NASA chooses 3D printed houses that astronauts could use to survive on Mars


NASA has selected several models of 3D printed houses that could someday support astronauts living on Mars.

The space agency distributed awards to five different design teams as part of a multi-year contest

The winning drawings were all chosen by a panel of subject matter experts NASA, academia and industry.

Although there were submissions from 18 teams, the jury drafted them. up to five possibilities and each badigned them a portion of the $ 100,000 (£ 76,245) prize money

Caption: The drawings were to incorporate four astronauts live on Mars for up to one year (Photo: SEArch + / Apis)

Each of the winning teams created digital representations of their Martian homes, which should be 3D printed on the dusty extraterrestrial planet ready to support a crew of four astronauts. [19659002"Wewereabletoseethesuccessofthisdiversegroupofteamswhoarecompetingintheirrespectivefields"hesaidaddingthattheyarenotonlydesigningstructurestheyaredesigninghabitatsthatwillallowourspaceexplorerstoliveandworkonotherplanetsseetheirdesignscometolifeasthecompetitionprogresses"

One of the winning designs of AI SpaceFactory, a New York-based architecture and technology agency, is considering gigantic vertical cylinders

Moreover, it looks like something from a sci-fi movie.

For their troubles, they won $ 20,957.24 (£ 15,978.85) on $ 100,000 offered their idea.

Caption: The Rogers Zopherus Team was the first winning design
(Photo: Goodwin, Taylor L. (MSFC-CS20) [S]

NASA launched the challenge »The 3D Printed Habitat Challenge aims to promote the advancement of sustainable shelters that will one day occupy the Moon, Mars or beyond by pushing citizen inventors to develop new sustainable shelters. additively a habitat using indigenous resources with or without recyclable materials, "says NASA

Each design had to incorporate at least 1,000 square feet of space and include all the equipment that astronauts would have need a year living on the surface of Mars.

Caption: AI. New York SpaceFactory was the second winning project with this vertical cylinder creation (Photo: Goodwin, Taylor L. (MSFC-CS20) [S]

In addition to professional design firms, the space agency also accepted the Submissions from Universities "

" We encourage a wide range of people to come up with innovative designs to imagine a habitat on Mars, "said Lex Akers, Dean of Caterpillar College of Engineering and Technology at Bradley University, NASA partner in this challenge

"Virtual levels allow teams from high schools, universities and businesses that do not have access to large 3D printers to still be part of the competition." to such machines for the last level of the competition. "

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