NASA will test "silent" supersonic flights


Washington, DC, July 4 (IANS): NASA has announced "quiet" supersonic flying tests in Texas

that could revolutionize air travel.

The space agency said Tuesday that it will publicly demonstrate its technology near the seaside town of Galveston to ensure that its prototype will be barely audible when it crosses. the wall of sound, reports CNN.

If NASA's experimental project – formerly known as X-plane "But recently renamed X-59 QueSST – works, it should help make supersonic flight more economical."

As of November, The US Space Agency will use supersonic F / A-18 Hornet jets on Galveston to mimic the sound profile of the X -59 while a group of about 500 residents is documenting the noise levels. [19659002] In dives at the speed of sound, the aircraft will produce two types of sonic booms to truly determine the sound they produce on the ground. [19659002] Accor Galveston was chosen as the test area because it is located near the Gulf of Mexico, allowing fighter planes to keep stronger booms at sea, while launching quieter "dull shots" into the city.

Lockheed Martin, a $ 247.5 million contract dollars for the construction of the plane long awaited

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