Washington, DC : The Academy of Television Arts and Sciences (ATAS) named NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) for a remarkable original interactive program for its coverage of the grand finale of the Cbadini mission to Saturn
will be awarded by ATAS in Los Angeles on 17 September.

Logo of NASA (National Administration of Aeronautics and Space). Image from Facebook / @ NASA
The Emmys Creative Arts, which include interactive awards, will be presented at a separate ceremony on September 15 at the Los Angeles Microsoft Theater, NASA said in a statement dated 13 July. 2017, after nearly 20 years in space and 13 years revealing the wonders of Saturn, NASA's Cbadini orbiter was running out of fuel. In the final act, Cbadini undertook a brand new mission: his Grand Final, where he headed for the unknown and ended up with a spectacular dive into the planet.
Cbadini's first daring dive into the unexplored space between the giant planet and its The campaign kickoff took place on April 26, 2017.
It peaked on September 15, 2017 with a live coverage of Cbadini's dive into the atmosphere of Saturn, the spaceship returning science to the very last second
. A multi-month digital campaign to celebrate the scientific and technical achievements of the mission and explain why the spacecraft must reach its end in the Saturn sky.
The multifaceted campaign included regular updates on the Mission's Twitter, Facebook, Snapchat, Instagram and Cbadini website, several social, web and live TV shows in which questions from reporters and the public were answered. .
A dramatic short film to communicate the history of the mission and give an overview at the end of the game; several 360-degree videos, including the first 360-degree live stream of a NASA missionary event inside the JPL's mission control
The Emmy nominations have proven to be more various than last year. Fantastic Drama Game of Thrones earned 22 nominations for coveted awards, while the 17-year-old HBO series as the most-nominated network was broken by Netflix.
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Publication date: 16-Jul-2018 09:38
| Updated on Jul 16, 2018 09:38 AM
Updated: Jul 16, 2018 09:38 AM
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