A new biography on Eric Clapton has revealed the heartbreaking details surrounding his 4-year-old son's death.
Penned by renowned biographer Philip Norman, Slowhand: The Life And Music Of Eric Clapton, dives deep into what really happened to the famed guitarist after his toddler sound, Conor, fatally fell through an open window of 53 floors up in the early 1990s.
In an excerpt published in the Daily MailAfter his son's birth in 1986, Clapton, now 73, said that Conor was "the one thing in [his] life that good could come out of. "
In the aftermath of the past year, the blues singer was decided to be sober up in Australia in 1987 after suffering from uncontrollable shaking-fits, which he would pbad alcoholism on to his son.
"I never really had a father," said Clapton.
When that tragic day in May 1991 struck, Clapton recalled Conor's mother, Lory del Santo actress, calling him with the harrowing news, to which he could respond was, "Are you sure?"

Upon hearing of his death, Clapton's manager, Roger Forrester, jumped straight on a Concorde and arrived in New York to be with him to the morgue.
"Some physical damage has occurred in the fall, by the time I saw him they had restored his body to some normality," recounted Clapton.
"I remember looking at his beautiful face in repose and thinking, 'This is not my son, It's a bit like him, but he's gone.'"
Conor's body was laid to rest in Ripley, Surrey on March 28, where the singer was born, just two days before his 46th birthday. Funeral awaited included George Harrison of The Beatles, Phil Collins and more musicians.

According to the biography, in the few months after Conor's death, the Grammy winner barely slept and at first, struggled to find solace in music.
After some time had pbaded, Clapton began to turn to a positive attitude and even to a message for the New York State Health Department that tugged on parents' hearts.
"Guards on windows and safety-gates on stairs." It's easy and it could prevent a terrible tragedy, "Believe me, I know."
When Clapton was finally able to pick up a guitar again, he started arranging chords with the vision of his golden-haired sound in his head. Before he knew it, he had written 'Tears of Heaven' as a tribute to his son, which would be one of the biggest hits of the 1990s.
Ten months after Conor's death, Clapton was forced to relive the worst day of his life at the inquest.

Refusing to place any blame on the janitor Vivien Griffin, said that "[he] to have huge strength of character. "
"The kind of tragedy he would suffer most people back to the bottle."
She added, "What kept him going, he always said, was the thought that it would be a betrayal of Conor."
Slowhand: The Life And Music Of Eric Clapton, by Philip Norman is due to hit bookshelves in November.
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