New Gears 5 Enemy Type Revealed, Will Players "worst nightmare"


By Tyler Fischer

  Gears 5 "title =" Gears 5 "Height =" 368 "Width =" 655 "Data-item =" 1125839 "/> 
<figcaption> (Photo: The Coalition) </figcaption></figure>
<p>  Developer The Coalition has once again revealed a whole new type of incoming enemy <em> Gears 5 </em> who says "will be your worst nightmare". is quite accurate description, because this thing seems terrifying. </p>
<p>  All that exists of this new enemy, nicknamed The Swarm Flock (a flying group of leeches Swarm), is this GIF, but just send some chills in my spine when I think trying to beat <em> Gears 5 </em> in trouble Insane </p>
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The Swarm Bane – a flying group of Leeches from Swarm – will be your worst nightmare. # Gears5 [19659008] – Gears of War (@GearsofWar) July 25, 2018

Now, if the Swarm Flock sounds familiar, that's because he's clearly inspired by the Kryll's first trilogy. Remember, Theron Elite and General RAAM had a weapon called Kryll Grenade, which looked like an Ink Grenade, but instead of toxic ink, it unleashed a swarm of Kryll that tore up anything that could be caught on its pbadage.

The weapon was a fan favorite, and so it 's not a surprise The Coalition wanted to try to find a way to bring it back one way or the other.

However, while the Swarm Flop may be inspired by the Kryll, it's a little different. It seems that the herd of snakes hangs, infects and detonates its targets. At least that is what seems to be happening in this GIF.

As mentioned above, this is not the first new type of enemy for the game The Coalition revealed, he also recently unveiled the "Warden."

to Gears of War 4 Gears 5 is in development for Xbox One and PC. For now, it is expected to be released next year, 2019.

Below you can find out more about the game, thanks to a short story synopsis of Microsoft. And as always, feel free to click on the comments section and let us know what you think. Good addition to the enemy alignment of the series? Or simply a reissue of old enemy models?

"The world is collapsing: humanity's dependence on technology has become theirs, and enemies are joining forces to annihilate all survivors – discover the origins of Locust and fight with your team to protect what's left. "

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