New iPad Pro 2018 for a redesign of the iPhone X


Apple hit a winner with the iPhone X just watch all Android phones by copying his notched screen . Now, Apple is working to do the same for its new 2018 iPad Pro .

Apple revealed, with clues from its iOS 12 software that it will put an iPhone X TrueDepth camera its new iPad Pro that should also come with a notched screen.

The clues come from the mentions of Animoji and the AnomojiKit on the new iPad . These usually require a TrueDepth camera to recognize the face of the user in order to add emotions to the cartoon avatars. A normal front camera, such as it is in the current iPad Pro, would not be able to detect levels that a TrueDepth device can handle.

Multiple users can save their faces on the new iPad Pro using iOS 12, suggesting that the face ID will be used to unlock the device even if it is shared by multiple people .

Apple also expects to launch a new style screen on the latest iPad, which will mean the notch of the iPhone X with a borderless edge screen on board.

Apple could unveil the new iPad Pro 2018 with its new iPhone 2018 models at an event in September.

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