A new species of wasp with a ferocious weapon – baptized Clistopyga crbadicaudata – was discovered in the west of the Amazon.
Clistopyga crbadicaudata . Photo credit: University of Turku.
Clistopyga crbadicaudata belongs to the genus Clistopyga a group of parasitoid wasps specialized in the spawning of their eggs in spiders or in spider-egg sacs
a new species is described in an article recently published in the journal Zootaxa by Professor Ilari Sääksjärvi, researcher at the University of Turku, Finland, and co-authors
"Females of Clistopyga crbadicaudata look for spiders living in nests and paralyze them with a rapid venom injection, "the researchers said." Then the wasp lays its eggs on the spider and the larvae hatch eats up. Paralyzed spider as well as possible spider. "
" We do not know for sure which spider prefers this wasp species, "adds Professor Sääksjärvi
Parasitoid wasps have gen rattle a long ovipositor to lay eggs, which is convenient to reach the host animals. living inside a tree, for example.
With the ovipositor, an egg is placed on or inside the host and, as it also plays the role of dart, a female wasp can inject venom into the egg. host to paralyze him.
"The sting of the new parasitoid wasp called Clistopyga crbadicaudata is not only long but also very broad, compared to the size of the species," notes Professor Sääksjärvi.
I've been studying tropical parasitoid wasps for a long time but I've never seen anything like it. The stinger looks like a fierce weapon. "
Edgard Palacio and others 2018. The Neotropical Species of Clistopyga (Hymenoptera, Ichneumonidae, Pimplinae Part II: C. isayae group of species, with description of seven new species. Zootaxa 4442 (1); doi: 10.11646 / zootaxa.4442.1. 5
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