Throughout the day on Friday, television showed deserted streets in Managua and much of the rest of the world. Ortega and his entourage witnessed a traditional march in the legendary revolutionary bastion of Masaya, the city from where the rebels launched an attack against dictator Anastasio Somoza in 1979.
In brief remarks, Ortega lamented the crisis and offered to hold talks with opponents to his government.
"I invite (the protesters) to end the confrontation and that we all unite for Ortega, an American foe of the Cold War, serving his third consecutive term until 2021.
Representatives of civil society organizations called for early elections to end the stalemate, while Ortega's top diplomat rejected the possibility Friday during a session of the Organization of American States in Washington
"You can not strengthen the institutions of the country, you can not strengthen the country's democracy. the constitution … and impose the will of groups seeking a change of government, "said Foreign Minister Denis Moncada.
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