Nill: Stars hope to sign Seguin before the season – Article


The Dallas Stars exchanged numbers with Tyler Seguin while they seek to lock the center of the stars before he plays in a free agency next July.

"We continued the dialogue" Jim Nill said on the team's website. "They have where they think they should be and we have presented where we think we should be, and we just keep talking."

"There are many different things that come in. There are signature bonuses, lockout protections, and there are many different angles to these negotiations that come into play."

Seguin, 26, scored 40 career goals last season and added 38 badists to post his best total since the 2013-14 season, his first in Dallas.

Sean Shapiro of The Athletic has written last month that Seguin's contract could match anything that had been signed by John Tavares Tavares joined the Toronto Maple Leafs on July 1 for an average annual value of $ 11 million. Benn is currently the Stars' highest paid player, with a $ 9.5 million cap for the 2024-25 season.

Nill said the Stars are hoping Seguin will sign before the Stars do not start their regular season in October 4. [19659002] "I hope so. But I think I've been mentioning since the first day that I do not want people to panic when it's not signed when the season starts, "I think the most important thing is that we must have a good season, a good start.I hope it will be signed by here, but I know that it is not, we will have a good and as we say, I hope we can do it, we'll have to see it. "

Boston Bruins Acquisition in the Summer of 2013, Séguin has crossed the 30-goal mark in four of the five seasons since joining the Stars and has not yet scored 70. 19659009]! Function (f, b, e, v, n , t, s)
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