Nintendo Black Friday Bundle Switch, 'The Bug Butcher', New Releases and Sales – TouchArcade


Welcome to your SwitchArcade Roundup on November 14, 2018. Your friend Phil, butcher, brings us more news, more new releases and more sales for you here on the SwitchArcade Roundup, here at the beautiful TouchArcade! As the holiday season approaches, Black Friday will be here soon and Luigi is ready (as you'll see later) with a new Nintendo Switch kit. I also have news of a new role-playing game announced for the switch, as well as Nindie products to share. First of all, let's start with the game of the day!

Game of the day

The charcutier ($ 7.99)

I knew how to break bugs from time to time. A scary spider with my shoe here, a fly between my hands there – but Harry, the main character of The butcher does more than just eliminate insects. As the title indicates, he slaughters them! Of course, we are not exactly talking about tiny spiders and flies here, as I'm used to crushing – Harry deals with enemies from the wide variety of insects (in the sense of insect and eater). boredom) which are much bigger than it is.

The butcher it's inspire of Super Pang. You fight and destroy enemies of different varieties in rooms with horizontal scrolling, the only direction in which you can shoot is directly directed upwards. What is at stake is your survival, but also to accumulate the most points possible. It is indeed a high-level arcade game, and it's quite fun.
Getting a high score in each of the 30+ levels of the game involves keeping your combo. If you take too long to defeat the next enemy or take damage, your combo ends. When your combo reaches ridiculously high amounts, it will be easy for you to raise rankings online.

The butcher has three game modes: a story mode that slowly introduces new types of enemies and obstacles into the levels (and also includes incredibly tense boss battles to get things moving!), a panic mode in which you try to survive wave after wave. enemies to get as many points as possible, and a cooperative mode for two players locally. If the butcher is named Harry, does that mean that the other player calls Carey?

Detecting bugs of all types and sizes is very fun, thanks to extremely tight and responsive controls. Fortunately, you do not need to press a button to shoot continuously, it's as simple as holding it down to let out a series of bullets and shots continuously. You have a slide that can be used to dodge enemy attacks and avoid them, as well as to cross rooms faster (this helps keep your combo running if an enemy is farther away from you than you prefer). The only other face button used in The butcher is to release special weapons, such as mbadive beams that cut insects like butter, rockets that enamel enemies with concussive explosions, and a ray of cold that envelops all enemies in a layer of ice, making them more easy to exterminate the air.

The butcher offers a lot of content for its price, and more importantly, it's a lot of stupid fun as you maneuver to exterminate as many enemies as possible, by keeping your combo, trying to survive and blinking the l screen amounts of explosions. For these reasons, The butcher gets the honor of the game today.


Nintendo of America Announces Special Package for Black Friday Switch Console

Who better to play in a trailer than Luigi to plug in the next Nintendo Black Friday? In case you thought everyone's second favorite banana was dead (see this Super Smash Bros. Ultimate trailer), Luigi is in a good mood – the spirit of the holidays, to be exact! This cute and humorous video presents various offers of Black Friday, but the one that is of interest for the SwitchArcade Roundup is the Nintendo Switch, which will be on sale with a digital download of Mario Kart 8 Deluxe. The price of the bundle will be $ 299.99. So you basically get a $ 60 game, one of Switch's best multiplayer games to date, at no extra cost. Now, we just need someone to set up a GoFundMe to help Luigi pay this 10,000 piece bill!

Nippon Ichi Software and Famitsu Magazine Unveil Destiny Connect for Switch

As reported by Gematsu, a new RPG arrives in Japan on February 28, 2019, courtesy of Nippon Ichi Software, known as Destiny Connect. This time travel adventure has command-based battles, which definitely adhere to the Super Famicom role-playing games, inspired by gameplay and graphics, and whose development is 70% complete. Hoping that Destiny Connect will be found not only in time, but also in our region of the world with an appropriate location.

Abzu prepares to dive on the Nintendo eShop

After having already released on other platforms, the underwater adventure game based on exploration. Abzu is officially launched on the Nintendo Switch. Players play the role of the diver, venturing deep into the underwater expanses of the sea to discover the secrets of underwater life – from the new aquatic marine life to discovering answers to the mysteries of the underworld. marine. If the artistic beauty of Abzu It does not remind you of anything, it might be useful to know that the game was developed by Giant Squid Studios, a developer whose main role helped to create the world of the highly acclaimed trek and Flower. Abzu release on the eShop Switch on November 29th.

SwitchArcade Nindie Roundup

Many new independent games have been announced for the Switch these past two days. 2011 Mrs. Splosion Man-Functioning at 50 levels in single player mode and 50 levels in multiplayer mode only for local and online game outs on November 22, while hybrid shoot-em-up + tower defense game Gensokyo Defenders will be launched worldwide on November 29th thanks to the release initiative of Sony Music's Unties.

Meanwhile, we will see next month the Tikipod Rock Boshers DX: Director's Cut, launch on the Switch on December 1st. Finally, do not make favorites, but how can I NOT when it comes to a game inspired by ContraFlamboyant chrome I particularly excited and will be getting an output on the switch in early 2019. Take a look at the trailers of each game below:

Ms. Splosion Man:

Gensokyo Defenders:

Rock Boshers DX: Director's Cut:

Flamboyant Chrome:

New versions

SNK 40th Anniversary Collection ($ 39.99)

Although SNK may not have the standard of games in its library like your Nintendos or Segas, it still has some really creative and attractive games. Now, owners of Nintendo Switch can discover a collection of SNK products well made with the SNK 40th Anniversary Collection. Containing a great emulation for games (which is obviously essential, because you can have a fantastic game catalog, but if they work like a turtle in molbades, it means nothing), an interactive gallery and museum, as well as the ability to watch perfect games, SNK 40th Anniversary Collection is perfect for any retro gaming enthusiast.

Project Highrise: Architect's Edition ($ 39.99)

Switch owners have already had the pleasure of building a city with the simulation game Cities: Skylines – Nintendo Switch Edition. Now, switch owners can develop, design and build their own skyscrapers with Project Highrise: Architect's Edition. You can create a variety of building types, such as commercial buildings and residential apartments, as well as shopping centers, hotels, and more. If you like a guided experience, check out the campaign mode filled with 29 challenges to complete or, if you are the opposite and you just want to adapt the content of your interior architect, develop your own skyscraper at your leisure open sand. Either way, your building titan is under your control.

My Stables – Life with Horses ($ 29.99)

Who is this little hot figure on the art of gambling? Oh, and the woman next to the horse is not so bad either! Although it can be easy to make fun of a game called My stables – Life with horses, the game appears as a cute and enjoyable game for those who have the pbadion to take care of riding a stable of his own horses without needing to really feel them. Pamper and breed horses on your exquisite estate, participate in horse racing and even explore the commercial side of managing a stable. Graphically unimpressive (and that's a euphemism), but full of content for those who just want to wander, My stables – Life with horses is definitely for a limited audience on the switch.

Other news


Several interesting games benefit from new discounts from yesterday and today, especially Infinite Minigolfwhich was a game of the past day. More particularly (and do not discredit Infinite Minigolf) but both Runner3 and Dave Space have substantial sales in progress. The former received fixes to make their experience more enjoyable and less frustrating. In the meantime, our old friends Green game: TimeSwapper and Red game without a big name are on sale again – you know it – again.

New games for sale

  • Green game: TimeSwapper ($ 1.49 from $ 2.99 until November 19)
  • Paper Wars: Devastated Cannon Flesh ($ 4.99 from $ 9.99 to November 19)
  • Red game without a big name ($ 1.49 from $ 2.99 until November 19)
  • CastleStorm ($ 10.49 from $ 14.99 to November 20)
  • Dodgeball nightclub – REMIX ($ 7.49 from $ 14.99 until November 20)
  • Infinite Minigolf ($ 5.99 starting from $ 14.99 until November 20)
  • Candle: The power of the flame ($ 9.99 from $ 19.99 until November 26)
  • Take the bottle ($ 3.49 from $ 4.99 until November 26)
  • Kutkh's eyes ($ 2.99 from $ 4.99 until November 26)
  • Spiral splash ($ 3.49 from $ 4.99 until November 26)
  • Monkey King: the master of the clouds ($ 2.49 from $ 4.99 until November 26)
  • Runner3 ($ 9.99 from $ 29.99 to November 27)
  • Dave Space ($ 0.99 from $ 9.99 until November 27)

End of sales tomorrow, Thursday, November 15

  • Bud Spencer & Terence Hill – Bunnies And Beans ($ 15.99 from $ 19.99 until November 15)
  • Halloween pinball ($ 1.79 from $ 1.99 until November 15)
  • Hyper Sentinel ($ 4.93 from $ 12.99 until November 15)
  • Delayed work ($ 9.09 from $ 12.99 to November 15)
  • Ludomania ($ 3 from $ 4 until November 15)
  • Pool Panic ($ 9.98 from $ 14.99 until November 15)
  • Roarr! Jurbadic Edition ($ 7.19 from $ 7.99 to November 15)
  • Tales of the little planet ($ 11.99 from $ 14.99 until November 15)
  • Roaming Vegetables: Radical Edition ($ 10.39 from $ 12.99 until November 15)

This concludes this edition of SwitchArcade Roundup. Looking forward to the severity of the snowstorm that we will be receiving in St. Louis, I will be back here tomorrow with a new edition with even more Switch coverage! Until next time, keep your Joy-Cons loaded and your Switches loaded with awesome games!

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