No hydrocarbon found in the river after salty water leak, says Husky


Two days after detecting a leak related to oil production, Husky Energy claims that the badysis of the Englishman River has not detected any oil in the water.

The company reported treated saltwater near Turtleford, Saskatchewan. , dumped in the Englishman River nearby Wednesday morning. Although no hydrocarbons have yet been detected, testing and monitoring of the environment is continuing, Husky said.

But news of the escape scandalized the Federation of Sovereign Indigenous Nations, which said in a statement that it condemned Husky Energy for "Yet Another Disaster Directly Affecting First Nations Communities" in Saskatchewan [19659002] Bobby Cameron, head of the FSIN, stated that Husky did not work with First Nations' recommendations on important trade issues for nations

. Land users and knowledge holders have known and used these lands and waters for centuries, "he said in a statement." They know the animals and medicines that thrive in these areas and how they are affected. when spills like these occur. "

The leaking line is used to carry salt water that rises to the surface during oil production. to flow before the leak, which occurred about 500 meters west of the Englishman River.

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