North American forests to gain success in sequester carbon 60 years: study – Xinhua


SAN FRANCISCO, July 15 (Xinhua) – North American forests have reached 78 percent of their capacity to sequester carbon and will gain only 22 percent capacity in a best-scenario in the next six decades, according to a study revealed over the weekend.

Researchers at the University of California at Santa Cruz (UC Santa Cruz) Conducted a comprehensive badysis of the capacity of the North American forests to sequester carbon and found that forests play a critical role in alleviating the impact of climate change

For the first time, the researchers studied the correlations of the natural process of forest growth and regeneration with climate change 60 years, UC Santa Cruz said in a statement.

Kai Zhu, lead researcher who is also an badistant professor of environmental studies at UC Santa Cruz, and his colleagues examined ata from 140,000 plots in the US Forest Inventory and Analysis program and the Canadian Permanent Sample Plots program to record the growth of forests and their growth in the future.

next six decades is the "best-case scenario," which reflects only one of the most important badumptions on climate change (19659002) "The badumption of the future will grow happily grow without future

Natural disturbance, effects, effects, and effects of natural disturbance. Zhu said

The researchers' future prediction of Zhu said. North American forest growth is built on a complex growth model that incorporates contemporary data from 2000-2016 and "hindcast" observations from 1990-1999.

The model pictures future forest conditions under climate change scenarios in the 2020s, 2050s, and 2080s in North America, which has a significant impact on the recovery of the growth of forests (19659002) North American forests are getting close to a saturation point today, which underlines the need to protect North American forests and reduce deforestation elsewhere, Zhe said.

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