Octopus nursery over California coast with 1,000 females in



Researchers aboard the Exploration Vessel Nautilus made an amazing discovery last week two miles deep in the ocean off the coast of Monterey, California: a mbadive number of deep sea octopuses.

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The so-called "octopus garden" appears to be a breeding ground for the sea creatures in the Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary and resides as many as 1,000 female octopuses "resting in a brooding posture, tucked into rocks with eight arms inverted bodies and eggs, "according to Nautilus scientists and sanctuary officials.

It's the largest number of octopuses ever found in one area before.

The researchers made the discovery while exploring the Davidson Seamount with an underwater submersible vehicle.

"We went down the eastern flank of this small hill, and that 's when – boom – we just started seeing pockets of dozens here, dozens there, dozens everywhere," the Nautilus' chief scientist, Chad King, told National Geographic.

Scientists aboard @EVNautilus observe over a thousand deep sea octopus near #DavidsonSeamount! Never before seen in these mbadive aggregations, clusters were discovered near shimmering fluid seeps – previously unknown to occur @MBNMS! #NautilusinMBNMS pic.twitter.com/6AYTigf9xP

– NOAA's Monterey Bay NMS (@MBNMS) October 25, 2018

The Davidson Seamount is a gigantic undersea volcanic mountain off California's coast that measures 26 miles long and eight miles wide and is one of the largest known seamounts in U.S. waters. The underwater mountain is 7,480 feet tall, but its summit is still 4,101 feet below the ocean surface, according to the sanctuary. It is a pristine habitat for many sea creatures and therefore of interest to scientists studying the region.

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The crew, which lives on many of its adventures, also recorded a rare, octopus dumbo, also known as an umbrella octopus, cruising through the deep, with its ear-like ends flapping in true Dumbo fashion.

Spooky! This ghostly octopus grimpoteuthis drifted past flapping wing-like fins, then ballooned out its webbed arms. Also known as an umbrella octopus, this individual was approx. 60cm (almost two feet) long!

?Spotted near #DavidsonSeamount in @MBNMS #NautilusinMBNMS pic.twitter.com/QnMwzpTPkz

– E / V Nautilus (@EVNautilus) October 23, 2018

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