Opinion | Why do I always choose the wrong woman ?: Ask Ellie


A: You desperately need to learn to "trust yourself".

This means that you need to think about what you have missed attention in your previous relationships and recognize what you need to do differently.

Your first wife's behavior suggests many symptoms of depression. Maybe you were both too young / inexperienced to seek medical help or advice for her, which could have resulted in a different outcome.

The obvious "game" of your second partner might have been more transparent if you had been cautious. His understanding of money and security at your expense was obvious only when you moved in together.

Now, it is crucial that you use this past model for better judgment in the future. If you meet women who really seem to be interested in you as a person, make sure you enjoy your time and your conversations together, not just a physical attraction.

Build friendship and respect, and trust will follow.

Q: Every time I visit my friend and her two-month-old baby, she drinks a beer or two. I do not drink because I drive there.

I do not have children but I know from research that we have to refrain from drinking while badfeeding.

When I tried to discuss it, she said that it was not serious and that there was not enough alcohol in her bad milk for to detect anything that did not affect the baby.

I do not want to ruin our relationship, but I fear that the baby is in danger of development.

How can I defend the baby without offending him? If not, she is a good mother and takes good care of him.


A: Mothers who drink alcohol while badfeeding could affect the cognitive abilities of their badfed baby, according to a 2018 study published by the American Academy of Pediatrics. When infants were exposed to alcohol through their mother's bad milk, he experienced a reduction in dose-related cognitive ability between the ages of six and seven years. A co-author of the study concluded that there is "fairly good evidence that alcohol consumption during badfeeding affects the child".

Show your friend the study you can find online and just tell her that you see how dedicated she is as a new mom, but you fear for the baby if she is not at home. current of these results.

Tip of the day Ellie

Pay attention to what motivates a partner whose behavior changes and when someone arrives too loud too early.

Lily Ellie Monday to Saturday.

Email ellie@thestar.ca or visit her website, ellieadvice.com.

Follow @ellieadvice


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Two strikes


Read Ellie from Monday to Saturday.

Email ellie@thestar.ca or visit her website, ellieadvice.com.

Follow @ellieadvice

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