An audit released Tuesday reveals that the Trudeau government is failing to improve fisheries management in Canada.
Environmental group Oceana Canada said the Department of Fisheries and Oceans was not doing enough to reverse the decline of some species.
It indicates that of 26 severely depleted stocks in Canada, there are only three recovery plans.
"From 2017 to 2018, we have seen no change in the status of our fisheries," said Executive Director Robert Rangeley. "About a third of our fisheries are in good health, are in good health and this is very worrying."
Uncertain state of health in 37% of stocks
The audit recognizes that investments in fisheries science and management will take time to appear in fish health measures, but according to Rangeley, Oceana Canada hopes Ottawa will make progress in badessing 37% fisheries whose health can not be clbadified as healthy, conservative or critical.
"We have seen an incredible increase in transparency, availability of data, commitment of work plans to put in place rebuilding plans, unfortunately what we have not seen in this auditing, it is the completion of the committed work plans, only 25%, "he said.
Some of the stocks of which Oceana has an uncertain status status uncertain are likely to be in the critical area, such as Pacific sardine and yellowtail flounder on Georges Bank, while Newfoundland lobster and Labrador will probably be in good health.
Action promised after the 2016 report
The federal government has promised action following the release in 2016 of the report of the Auditor General of Canada by Julie Gelfand, Federal Commissioner for the Environment and Sustainable Development.
This report outlined weak or non-existent management plans for dozens of fish species, 12 of which were considered severely depleted.
The Liberals announced a $ 1.5 billion Oceans Protection Plan, which includes measures to protect marine mammals, restore their habitat, and increase science expenditures by $ 197 million.
DFO says it has increased its capacity for state-of-the-art research, monitoring and stock badessment.
Discoveries in Atlantic Canada
According to Oceana Canada, DFO is lagging behind.
Of the 26 stocks that are considered critical, most are fin fish in Atlantic Canada.

"Between 2017 and 2018, we have seen no change in the status of our fisheries," said Robert Rangeley of Oceana Canada. (Submitted by Oceana Canada)
According to Oceana, none of them have completed their reconstruction plans, which means that the Department of Fisheries and Oceans is the source of its information:
- In Newfoundland, there is no plan to rebuild critical stocks of plaice, redfish and cod in the fishing area known as 3NO south of the Grand Banks. A plan is expected before March for cod in 2J3KL off the Avalon Peninsula and Labrador.
- In the Gulf of St. Lawrence, recovery plans are planned for 2020 or 2021 for five critical populations, including cod, hake and herring spawning in the spring. Winter Skate and Yellowtail Flounder are not expected.
- In the Maritimes region, which includes the Bay of Fundy and the Scotian Shelf, there is no plan for white hake. A plan for cod on the Scotian Shelf is already a year behind. A recovery plan for cod stocks in neighboring waters of the United States is expected this year.
Has the growth of molluscs led to complacency?
Rangeley says that Ottawa may have become indifferent.
Overall, the fishing industry in Atlantic Canada is thriving with four major shellfish species: lobster, crab, scallops and shrimp.
He said the region has its eggs in one basket.
"Most of the value comes from so few stocks when we have an underperforming industry of all those other fish," he said.
"If we strive to give them the best possible chance of rebuilding, we could achieve much better results for our fishing industry, healthier oceans, and resilience to some of the issues we are concerned about, such as the fact that we are not doing well. uncertainty that reigns climate change. "
The auditors then asked DFO to complete the work plans promised in the last two years, including the rebuilding plans for cod and yellowtail flounder off Nova Scotia and shrimp in the Zone 6 off Newfoundland and Labrador.
In a statement to CBC News, DFO said it was pleased with Oceania Canada's fisheries audit in 2018 and would review its recommendations.
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