Outremont tests the trompe-l 'oeil, a 3D pedestrian crossing, to force drivers to exercise caution


CTV Montreal

Published Tuesday, July 10, 2018 5:15 PM EDT

Last Updated on Tuesday, 10 July 2018 19:27 EDT

This is a Canadian premiere: a painted concrete optical illusion, "3D crosswalks," is being tested in Outremont

in order to attract the artist. the driver's attention and make the streets safer.

put the finishing touch to the pedestrian crossing at the corner of Bernard and Champagneur avenues.

Once completed, the pedestrian crossing will appear to "jump" on drivers who are approaching their vehicles.

»Outremont city councilor, Mindy Pollak, said:

Two pedestrian crossings in the area will be painted this way as part of a pilot project to increase the number of pedestrian crossings. Pollak explained:

Although the project is new to Montreal, it has been tried elsewhere, such as Iceland, for example. not a lot of hard evidence to show that they actually work. A masters thesis from the University of Western Michigan revealed that 3D illusions did not significantly improve safety

But it seems that Outremont and many of its residents are willing to try .

"This is a dangerous corner" resident said. "People do not usually stop – some people are not used to the neighborhood, so sometimes they do not stop or they are in a hurry."

Intersection, Pollak said , has been the site of serious pedestrian accidents in recent years.

The borough of Outremont indicates that it will examine the effects of the pilot project on the road, and will also consider extending it potentially

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