PHE uses the Star Wars heroes to encourage children to "feel the strength" of exercise


Characters Luke Skywalker and Finn, respectively interpreted by Mark Hamill and John Boyega, support the campaign, launched last month, which is the last part of a five-year partnership between the public body and the film company. 19659002] As part of PHE's Change4Life campaign to promote healthier lifestyles, he focuses on a 14-minute film entitled "Train like a Jedi" in which Hamill says, "This summer, Change4Life can help you, Train yourself as a Jedi. be with you. "

The film is faced by two-time Olympic gold taekwondo champion, Jade Jones, who demonstrates an exercise routine of bending, stretching, jumping, jumping, running, and kicking, which she describes as "special moves that will help you improve a lot of important Jedi skills." "The Resistance needs you, master the ways of the Jedi with these 12 movements, practice them every day for 10 minutes, if you can! "

  Jade Jones, double Olympic taekwondo champion in gold (Photo Credit: Matt Crossick / PA Wire)

Star Wars star John Boyega recently visited his former primary school to teach children the routine of exercise, in a film promoted on social media.

He commented that the campaign, "inspiring characters and stories from Star Wars, will show to children exercise and hopefully "

This comes after research conducted by PHE and Disney that revealed that 82% of children said that seeing their favorite characters motivate them to move further

. The campaign aims to increase the number of children who exercise enough – only 23% of boys and 20% of girls from 5 to 15 years old currently reach the recommended level of 60 minutes a day.

Sheila Mitchell, PHE Marketing Director stated, "Our latest campaign harnesses the power of Star Wars characters to stimulate children's imaginations and make physical activity fun, engaging and motivational." 19659005] Public relations activities also target national and regional health correspondents.

Other elements include digital advertising, an email program, a social media campaign and regional tours.

In addition, 3.8 million Train Like A Jedi packs were distributed. buted to schools during the summer term for children to take home. These contain Star Wars-themed challenges designed to entice kids to continue their training during the summer.

PHE shares campaign material with local authorities, the NHS, NGOs and other partners.

a combination of measures, including web visits, videos, engagement on social media and hardware downloads, as well as the scope of the campaign and the levels of engagement and of Participation

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