"Pirates" Scribe's excuse for racial Tweet


Scribe hackers excuse for racism Tweet

During the holiday weekend, screenwriters "Pirates of the Caribbean" and "Aladdin" Terry Rossio have been the target of some criticism after a brief niche on Twitter on Twitter.

Trying to defend his anti-vaccination position, Rossio took the Twitter Explain why calling someone an "anti-vaxxer" is not just the equivalent of using hate speech, and specifically cited the word n as an example of the equivalent. He said:

"My heart goes to all the parents of children wounded by the vaccine, who must not only endure the sadness of their loss, but also the vitriol of uninformed and insensitive people (like those here). Anti-Vax is equivalent to calling someone else and does not make sense. "

As one could expect, there has been a reaction against the use of this word, not to mention the false equivalence. Rossio has now resumed on Twitter to apologize for choosing his words:

"In a recent post on Twitter, arguing against stereotypes and hate speech, I cited the" n-word "(the real word) as an example of what not to do. an error, I'm sorry.

I now understand that the word has no place in any conversation. You can not oppose hate speech and refer to real words of hate speech. It was insensitive and ignorant.

I immediately delete the message to remove this toxic word from the Internet, where it should never appear in any context.

As the mistake was mine only, these excuses are mine as well. Excuses deeply felt by all. I continue to stand against hate speech and dehumanizing labels in all their forms.

Rossio's next film is "Godzilla vs. Kong ", who has recently started shooting.

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