PM Doug Ford Withdraws Ontario Business Representative in Washington


Premier Doug Ford fired the Ontario representative in Washington at a time of unresolved commercial talks in the US capital, a move that is part of a vast purge of provincial officials appointed by the former Liberal government. The firm referred Monique Smith of her role as commercial representative of the province at a meeting in late June. In an email from The Globe and Mail that Ms. Smith sent to representatives of the Canadian Embbady in Washington, she informed them that she would be leaving her position the week of July 16.

Rookie Premier Quickly Relocated The appointments of former Premier Kathleen Wynne during her first weeks of tenure, the dismissal of Chief Scientist and Director of Investments Ontario and the withdrawal of former Toronto-Dominion Bank General Manager Ed Clark.

"The office will continue to serve at the Canadian Embbady in Washington DC I am very proud of the Ontario team and what we have built over the past five years," wrote Ms. Smith in his letter to the representatives of the Embbady. She declined to comment on her departure when she was contacted by The Globe

as a commercial representative of the province, she had been involved in negotiations with US officials during renegotiation of the agreement North American free trade and the introduction of a series of tariffs on Canadian products by US President Donald Trump. According to a BMO Financial economist, a 25% tariff on cars made in Canada could seriously harm Ontario's economy.

Ford is committed to working side by side with Prime Minister Justin Trudeau's government during NAFTA negotiations. Shortly after the recent provincial election, the prime minister said that he intended to visit all 50 states as part of his efforts to persuade the US authorities of the importance of the prosecution. trade with Ontario.

A spokesman for Mr. Ford would say he intends to replace Ms. Smith. More than the goal of representing Ontario in the United States could instead fall to Jim Wilson, the new Minister of Economic Development, Creation of Jobs and Trade.

"We thank Ms. Smith for her service. The Prime Minister is working closely with Minister Wilson and the rest of his cabinet to protect jobs in Ontario and promote the importance of trade with our partners south of the border, "said M's spokesman. Ford, Simon Jefferies. Ms. Smith spent five years as the Ontario representative in Washington. She has been a long-time legislator and Liberal advisor. She held three ministerial positions under former Premier Dalton McGuinty and then led Ms. Wynne's transition team as she entered the Prime Minister's Office

Over the past two years years ago, Ms. Smith led Ontario's efforts against the Buy American provisions in New York. State and Texas. She was effective in this role and also helped coordinate the charm offensive of federal and provincial officials after the election of Mr. Trump, according to political strategist Charles Bird.

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