Police believe that the death of Dawn Sturgess is probably related to the nerve agent used on Skripals


British woman killed by Russian military nerve agent Novichok suffered a huge dose after handling a container that held her – believed the same batch used in the attempt to badbadinate the old double agent Sergei Skripal and his daughter, Yulia, in March, police said Monday

Neil Basu, who heads Scotland Yard's counterterrorism command, said the substance that led Dawn Sturgess and his partner Charlie Rowley to fall sick on June 30 was in a container or container when the couple

Police opened an investigation for murder after the death of Sturgess at the hospital Sunday at 20:26. Rowley remains seriously ill.

On Monday, Basu said that Sturgess and Rowley had received a high dose of Novichok after handling a container of the nerve agent. Police are now looking for this container which they believe was probably related to the Skripals attack four months earlier.

Two critics after an incident involving an "unknown substance" near the place where the ex-spy was poisoned

the detectives would need forensic evidence before to definitively conclude that the Novichoks used in the first attack had made the British couple sick.

"They are unable to say at this point if the nerve agent found in this incident is related to the March attack on Sergei and Yulia Skripal," said Basu. "However, this remains our main guideline.

" In the four months following the poisoning of the Skripals and Nick Bailey, none other than Dawn and Charlie have presented symptoms. Their reaction is so severe that it resulted in Dawn's death and Charlie was seriously ill. This means that they must have a high dose. Our hypothesis is that they had to handle the container we are looking for now.

Basu's decision to link the two attacks on Monday increases pressure on Russia

Britain accuses Moscow of attacking the Skripals

The Secretary of Defense Gavin Williamson, who directly accused Moscow on Monday, told the Commons: "The simple reality is that Russia has committed an attack on British soil that has seen the death of a British citizen. It's something that I think the world will unite with us to actually condemn. "

Earlier on Monday, the Kremlin declared that it would be" absurd "to suggest that Russia was involved in the death of Sturgess." We consider Russia to have been mentioned or badociated with that ", said the spokesman of President Vladimir Putin, Dmitry Peskov

"We consider that in any case it would be completely absurd."

Peskov added that "we of course very much regret the death of the British citizen. "

The Kremlin also firmly denied any involvement in the Skripal poisonings, which triggered a tense diplomatic tension between London and Moscow.

Sergei Skripal, former Russian spy poisoned by a neurotoxic agent, exited from Russia. hospital

The two Skripals were released from the hospital and live in a secret place.

Several sites were cordoned off, the three most interesting are the gardens of Queen Elizabeth in Salisbury, where the British couple spent part of Friday, the homeless hostel of Salisbury where Sturgess lived and the two visited on Friday; Rowley's Amesbury home, which they also visited on Friday. 19659005] Yulia Skripal breaks the silence, hopes to return to Russia one day

In addition to Sturgess and Rowley, 21 people were examined by health experts for concerns that they could have eight police officers and employ Yés, nine health workers, one paramedic and three members of the public. Wiltshire police said all had been badessed, checked and released. Kier Pritchard, the police chief of Wiltshire, said: "Nobody cares about his health."

A relative of the Sturgess family home in Durrington, near Amesbury, said the family was "devastated".

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