Police investigate London Sobeys race incident


London police investigate a race-related incident at a Sobeys grocery store on Adelaide Street on Tuesday.

It is difficult to say if it was motivated by hate, but obviously race played a role in the incident . George Demopoulos, London Police

In a video posted on social media, a man wearing a red T-shirt is shown preventing another man wearing a black hoodie from leaving the store and calling him " illegal alien ".

"I want to leave, stop mugging it," says the man in the black hoodie in the video

"Do not touch him, why are you touching him?" "Before the video started recording, there had been an incident between these two men," the London police said. George Demopoulos.

"When the police responded and investigated, it was learned that the male in the red shirt had badaulted the male in the black shirt."

The badault did not cause any injury and the victim chose not to complain. The two men left the scene peacefully, said Demopolous.

At this point, Demopolous said that he could not say if the incident would be considered a hate crime.

"It's hard to say if it was motivated by hate, but obviously the race played a role in the incident," Demopolous said, adding that police were pursuing the incident. survey


In the spring, a report submitted to the London Police Services Board revealed an increase in hate crimes reported in the city. The report indicates that there were 64 reported incidents in 2017, compared to 40 in 2016.

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