We see nuances of the 959 and 993 there, perhaps with the power coming from a current 911 Turbo.
Porsche has an interesting kitchen project. The people at the Porsche Clbadic Workshop of the company dropped a teaser photo showing a clbadic 911 gold shape, or rather the top half of the clbadic 911. We say this specifically because the company has also included a video showing other parts of the project, suggesting that there could be more than a new powertrain in an old body.
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It's officially called Clbadic Project Gold, and after the very short press release sent by the company, this project will start with a clbadic 911 body and then turn into "a truly unique piece." This is literally all the information we 're re – at least in the form of text – aside from a promise that the Porsche newsroom will follow the project.
That means it's time to put on the fedora and do a little investigation through this teaser v ideo. It only lasts 42 seconds, but our sense of spider indicates that there is some serious clue to find, aside from the obvious 911 body half hidden under a blanket. In our eyes, this looks like a 993 – the last of the air – cooled 911s built in the mid – 1990s. There are some curious looking vents on the rear panels that scream absolutely 959, and seen that there is a 959 right in front of the body, one can not help but think that the Porsche 1980s supercar has a role to play.

Porsche Project Gold Teaser

Porsche Project Gold Teaser [19659014] Details
Another potential clue exists not with the actual naked body, but at the beginning of the video by looking at the design sketch. Presumably, the sketch we see front and center in the clip is what this project is destined to become. There is however another sketch up, which really looks like a current 911 Turbo. Is it just a coincidence, or will Clbadic Project Gold also draw inspiration from the 991 model – or perhaps a boosted six-cylinder engine.
That gives us a lot to think about until the next teaser comes up. When that happens, you can bet we'll talk about it.
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