
Prime Minister John Horgan and Liberal Leader Andrew Wilkinson following the debate on electoral reform at Global Television in Burnaby, British Columbia. Thursday, November 8, 2018.
BURNABY, BC – Political leaders in British Columbia clashed Thursday in a debate on electoral reform. Prime Minister John Horgan described the proportional representation of modern, even "fashionable," while opposition leader Andrew Wilkinson insisted the system was too confusing. Politicians often discussed with each other during the animated televised debate on the province's electoral referendum, with Horgan calling for proportional representation and Wilkinson defending the current single-member constituency process. Voters who vote for a referendum poll in favor of proportional representation must rank three possible systems. Wilkinson accused Horgan of not answering questions and being dishonest with voters about how systems work. "You are not going to tell people how many votes they have. You will not tell people how many MPs they have, "he said. "People are disoriented by this vote. That's why the participation rate is now 2.5%, because they do not know what to do with that dog's breakfast. "Horgan replied that the three systems are simple and that this debate is moderated by CBC and Global. encapsulated much earlier in the broadcast. He said that he trusted BC residents will do their research before voting in the referendum. "I have more confidence in the people of British Columbia than you," Horgan said. The Prime Minister added that the fear of change seemed to motivate Wilkinson and opponents of proportional representation. The system is being used successfully in countries around the world, while the first-past-the-post system in Canada consistently produces winners among the losers of the popular vote, he said. "Let's move on to modernity. Let's leave the hip, "Horgan said. Later, Horgan adopted the millennium jargon to make his speech by saying to Wilkinson: "If you were awake, you would know that the professional representative was on." The debate was often chaotic. Horgan joked at one point that while there must have been two men screaming at each other, it was then likely that people would change channels to become "Wheel of Fortune". Wilkinson rejected Horgan's suggestion that the current system would only work for British Columbia. The Liberals, who won the 2001 election and the next three. "Let's talk about the robust functioning of parliamentary systems in Canada and the English-speaking world for hundreds of years," said Wilkinson. "At the constituency level in the current system, if you like your MPP, you hire them, otherwise you fire them. It's very clear and you know who they are. Wilkinson expressed concern that the Horgan government has chosen three options for proportional representation, two of which have never been used before, out of a dozen possibilities. The Leader of the Opposition said that a citizens' badembly should have been formed to create the question of voting. The three options on the ballot are somewhat complicated, but all would mean that voters always choose at least one local MP while the composition of the legislature more accurately reflects the popular vote. Ballots can be returned by mail or deposited at many locations in the province, but must be received by November 30th. The results should be known in December. A majority of 50% plus one is needed to change the system. New Democrats made electoral reform an election promise in 2017 and holding a referendum was a key part of their agreement with the Green Party to take power in the legislature. Green Leader Andrew Weaver did not participate in the debate. The referendum is British Columbia's third issue on electoral reform. In 2005 and 2009, previous votes had resulted in a defeat. Horgan said he believed the third vote would be the last for the province. – To follow @Shekane on Twitter.
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