Prime Minister reshuffles cabinet and creates new Ministry of Energy and Mines


Prime Minister Stephen McNeil made changes to his cabinet and created a new ministry on Thursday.

The Department of Natural Resources will be dismantled and its geoscience and mining division will move to the new department called Energy and Mines. It will be led by former Minister of Municipal Affairs Derek Mombourquette.

"Combining geoscience and mining with energy makes sense," McNeil said in a statement. "There is a need for a more consistent approach to economic development opportunities on land and at sea."

Iain Rankin was appointed to the Land and Forests Department.

"These changes will also allow the forest industry to focus more on the ministries, which will help achieve the necessary balance between the sustainable development of our lands and forests and the protection of the forest. environment, "McNeil said. the file, which will be returned to Margaret Miller, who was Minister of the Environment from 2016 to 2017.

Hants West MP, Chuck Porter, will join the Minister of Municipal Affairs

. sweeping the changes at his office, changing just about every job.

More to come.

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