Prime Minister Stephen Harper leads the Conservatives in spring in Alberta


EDMONTON – Former Conservative Prime Minister Stephen Harper will work for Alberta's next election in the Calgary electoral district, defended by Unified Conservative Leader Jason Kenney

"I live (Minister of NDP Cabinet), the riding of Sandra Jansen. Harper's wife, Laureen, said Tuesday evening in a speech at the launch of SheLeads, a non-profit group aimed at encouraging and guiding women to run for conservative parties.

Harper declared that she and her husband were not participating in the nomination contest for the Conservative-United candidates in their Calgary West riding, but, to applaud and applaud, she added, " My husband said, "I'm doing work for the winner.

SheLeads advises women on everything from campaigning to fundraising to social media, starting with Kenney's PCU preparing for the 2019 elections.

Jansen a won the Calgary North West riding in the 2015 election as a Progressive Conservative. She ran against Kenney at a subsequent party vote, but dropped out of the race and caucus, saying the personal abuses of Kenney's supporters were intolerable.

Kenney continued to win the leadership of PC, then merged the Wildrose

Jansen, meanwhile, gave the floor to the NDP and is now Minister of Infrastructure under the leadership of the Prime Minister Rachel Notley

SheLeads is led by Laureen Harper and former federal Conservative leader Rona Ambrose.

In her speech, Harper, a long-time political strategist and organizer, told women that the biggest step is to win the bid, since candidates must build their campaigns from scratch. I will always do. If you win, it becomes easier. It's always difficult but you have a team, "said Harper.

Ambrose told the crowd that the most difficult step comes sooner, making the mental jump of self-confidence to run and believe in itself rather than setting up artificial barriers.] Ambrose said too often when she urges women to run, they come up with a list of reasons to wait – more education, more experience – telling him "I'm not ready yet."

Ambrose says when she does the same policy He replied, "Sign me up."

"We need to get rid of this disconnect," said Ambrose [19659002] Shannon Stubbs, a conservative MP from Alberta, was part of the crowd

In an interview, she said candidates had to be shy or modest and go out of their way. immediately in contact with personal contacts – men and women, family, friends and business contacts – to lay the foundation for an energized political network. and vote for them on the day of nomination.

"Hire and sell memberships to these people and then ask them to sell 10 more," said Stubbs.

Kenney also addressed the crowd, saying that he does not believe in quotas for female candidates, but said that he's asked Ambrose and Harper His team aims to level the playing field for women when they decide to enter the political arena.

"One of the things that women bring to public life is a special and necessary focus not only on the balance of budgets and economic statistics. "It's a dimension of heart and compbadion that women in particular bring to the table," Kenney told the crowd

. We need these voices in our next caucus, in our next cabinet. "

The UCP has nominated 19 candidates to date for the 87 constituencies, including four women.

Laila Goodridge also joined the caucus after winning Fort McMurray- Conklin by-election at the beginning of the month

Kenney says 65 women are running for nominations in the remaining races

The Canadian Press

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