Bret "The Hitman" Hart could take his shots in the ring
His face was a crimson mask during bloody battles against the British Bulldog and Roddy Piper, he broke his sternum in one game, and smashed him all nights. with some of the most wicked wrestlers in WWE. Hart was on the short list of the biggest stars of wrestling in the 1990s and was talking about the legendary feuds against "Stone Cold" Steven Austin and Shawn Michaels over a 25-year career in a place in the Hall of Fame. WWE Fame
Really getting flattened under a Banzai Drop usually came after the last three counts. Like many wrestlers, Hart was more comfortable on the road than with his own family. He abused drugs, chased women and suffered loneliness in a new city every night, sometimes living the kind of perilous life that fans do not see behind celebrity in the fantasy world of professional wrestling.
Hart is one of three dozen old wrestlers who dissect the traps of life on the road in the "350 Days" documentary. The documentary is broadcast nationwide in some cinemas on Thursday. WWE alumni Billy Graham, Greg Valentine, Tito Santana and Wendi Richter recount the wandering life story of a professional wrestler on physical and mental health and broken homes that were often the result of fellatio . [19659002"Jenemeconsidèrepascommeunetragédiedelalutte"adéclaréHartàl'AssociatedPress'J'aiéconomisémonargentJenesuispasenpanneJ'aimapartdeblessuresetdedifficultésdanslalutteMaisjenesuispasunetragédiedelutteJen'aipasenviedemeprésentercommeçaMalheureusementilyabeaucoupdetragédiesdelutteetcelasevoitdanslefilmC'estunevietrèsdure"
The project was directed by Darren Antola and & # 39; fight and agent agent Perpetual Wrestling Evan Ginzburg (an badociate producer on "The Wrestler" by Mickey Rourke) and over 120 hours of interviews with 72 wrestlers have been reduced. "The title is" 350 Days "because of the At the height of this period of the mid-80s, these guys were so huge, so popular, that they literally struggled up to 350 days a week. year, "said Ginzburg." The toll of the human body, marriages, relationship with children was too heavy. Survivor Series was Thanksgiving night. Starrcade was (around) Christmas night. How do you tell your children, dad will not be home (for the holidays)? It's really what the movie tells. "
Hart said 350 days was a little higher from his personal account, but he badumed that he was on the road from 300 to 320 days each year for 23 years.
" If j & # I had been able to work twice as many days, I would have been a hundred times happier, "Hart said." It was the sacrifice we all made and we all suffered. I'm not sure that there is anything we could have changed about it. If today 's wrestlers can have the money, they can get a lighter schedule, I am totally for it. It is important that the (WWE) takes care of their talent a little better than before. "
Wrestlers – Some who have died since they were filmed, including Jimmy" Superfly "Snuka and George" The Animal "Steele -"
"It's Piper and I who drove down the road doing eight balls of cocaine, "said Valentine in the movie
." I could not have children. I could not put them on a turnbuckle while mom was working. "
" Sitting in a room with a group of cocaine wrestlers, you really got to know you, "said Hart in the film
exactly the slogan" Train, say your prayers, take your vitamins "promoted by Hulk Hogan in the 1980s.
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