Proposed tax hikes in Halifax raised concern


Halifax Regional Advisors are responding to proposed tax increases for the next two years, which would add $ 100 to the average bill.

If the proposal is approved, the average tax bill in 2019-2020 would increase by 2.9% or $ 56. The following year would see an increase of 2.1% or $ 44.

Coun. Waye Mason said Tuesday that he was not interested in any of these options.

"I will not vote for that," said Mason. "I do not see increasing the amount of more than inflation."

Explore other options

Mason proposed smaller increases: 2.1% next year and 1.9% the following year. He also suggested halving the municipal debt repayment to make up the difference.

On Tuesday, the regional council agreed that finance staff should prepare budgets based on all the suggested options.

"I am not a tax advocate," said Mayor Mike Savage. "But I do not think you raise taxes when you can."

Savage said he wanted to know the latest information regarding the number of full-time employees in the municipality. He also said that a portion of the projected surplus for this year could be used to limit the tax increase to a minimum.

"We have to be careful not to take more than we need from the people who pay the bills," he said.

Coun. Shawn Cleary has asked that the increase in parking fees and a small increase in transit fares be considered, while Sam Austin is concerned about the potential impact of the proposed increases on services.

"I do not think we have much room for maneuver to reduce the system," he said.

Budget discussions will take place over the next three months.

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