Protesters demand that police officers be named after Ont. A man dies in police custody


Olivia Bowden, The Canadian Press

Published Wednesday, July 11, 2018 10:27 AM EDT

Last Updated Wednesday, July 11, 2018 5:41 PM EDT

The family of a man who died after meeting with police in a town about 100 kilometers north of Toronto requires police officers to be charged.

About 50 people attended a rally Wednesday in Barrie, Ontario. Olando Brown died after suffering medical distress following his arrest by the municipal police last month.

Barbara South, Brown's aunt, said her family wanted the police officers who arrested her to do so

"Brown's death has created more doubts and suspicion in the community about the police behavior, "she said.

"This simply breeds more distrust.How can we heal and go forward … when you have to watch your back around someone who is supposed to serve you and protect you."

The Ontario Police Oversight Agency, Special Investigations Unit, said Brown was arrested around the middle of the afternoon on June 22 The family of Brown shared a video last month that seems to show the police the use of a stun gun on a black man more than once and also seems to show the man being in medical distress. during his convalescence, struck by an officer

"He lay on the ground. He has surrendered. He added that the body cameras on all police officers could help improve accountability.

The claims read during Black Lives Matter's protest on behalf of Brown's family included appeals to lay charges against the agents who were present at the time of Brown's arrest and that their names were released.

At the protest, Black Lives Matter also asked the UES to conclude its investigation within four weeks. Barrie to pay Brown's funeral and advise those who were touched by his death

Protesters wearing shirts with messages like "Justice 4 Brown" and "Black Lives Matter" waved placards denouncing police actions presumed at the arrest of Brown "

Desmond Cole, a Toronto activist and journalist, said he had attended the demonstration to show his support for Brown and his family

. said the video claiming to show Brown's arrest "deeply upsetting", saying that the death of a black person after the interactions with the police is not a new story and that she continues d & # 39; arrive.

"We criticize the structure that continues to reproduce violence against blacks," he said. "We do not want SIU investigations and vigils, we want to change the structure of the system. so that the police do not have the capacity to be violent, "said Cole

" Every black person I spoke to at the rally today had a history of police brutality, "he said." It's just a constant reminder to blacks that we are not safe under current conditions. "

Cole and BLM also demanded that the prime minister Doug Ford completely eliminates carding In January 2017, Ontario changed the rules surrounding patents, preventing the practice from being used for "arbitrary police checks." The policy states that agents must inform people that They have the right not to speak to the police or to "

" If he has more power to throw more cops into the streets, he certainly has the power to remove street policemen, "he said. Ford must explain how he will stop deaths like Brown's, Cole says

A representative from the Ministry of Community Safety and Correctional Services said in a statement that he would not comment on the case because it is the subject of an investigation. police spokesman Const. Sarah Bamford said the police department could not respond to requests made Wednesday or about an ongoing UES investigation

The force respects those who protested peacefully Wednesday, said Bamford

. #Barrie to denounce the death of Olando Brown, who died in custody as a result of an arrest where he was electrocuted. @CTVBarrieNews

– Aileen Doyle (@aileendoyleCTV) July 11, 2018

Black life now counts at the Barrie Police Station, giving a list of claims re: Olando Browns case. @CTVBarrieNews

– Aileen Doyle (@aileendoyleCTV) July 11, 2018

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