Putin or the Democrats? For some people today it is not so easy


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On the list: Putin or Democrats? For some people today it's not so easy – Time out: Almost Heaven … on a loaf – Trump would have wanted Russia to charge the pre-summit – Roby rolls to victory despite previous criticism – Smell of schnitzel

We seldom notice how technology is changing us. This happens gradually and, as individuals, we tend to be poor observers of our own behavior.

This also applies to politics. Think, for example, of how the ultrasound and neonatal care technologies have changed the discussion about elective abortions after the first trimester.

But technology is also changing the politics of politics. Much of the campaign and election work was intuitions and intuitions. We only had modern polls over the course of sixty years and for most of this period, the polls could be quite limited.

But over the past three decades, the same types of market research tools that big companies are using to try to sell you fish sticks and Fords has become a part of politics. As the data changed as we do, it also changed the policy.

The dawn of the digital era gave a boost to all this. The campaigns had a habit of guessing what the voters wanted. Now, voters go online and through their chatter, and the digital plume that they leave behind for their search and page preferences shows the campaigns that they are and how to best persuade them.

The ability to identify and persuade voters has been an important factor in what separates Americans today. With the ability to cut the electorate into such small pieces, candidates are able to build winning coalitions without having to do much persuasion.

The moment when the candidates felt compelled to have a broad spectrum message fades in favor of building and maintaining a political base.

Aside from the obvious cultural damage that it does to divide, divide, divide and divide voters, this also has very unfortunate consequences for the politicians themselves.

No politician adopted the concept of basic politics with the vigor of Donald Trump . He knows what his constituents want and he is determined to give it to them. And if it enraged the Democrats and extinguished the moderates, so much the better.

Trump's obsessive basic maintenance has helped him in multi-point governance. His choices at the Supreme Court and tax cuts are to keep faith with the people who elected him. And whether you like them or not, Trump's crackdown on immigration, the trade war and the pounding of our traditional allies are also part of it. It's not like he kept these things secret when he was running.

But Trump's tunnel vision led to the lowest lows of his presidency, including this week.

Trump's expressions of moral equivalence between the United States and Russia, the theory of feverish conspiracy and the attacks on his fellow Americans on stage with Vladimir Putin must have seemed pitiful to the mostly.

The country has become accustomed to Trump's rhetorical excesses. The constant outrage with which Trump's outrageous statements were met during the 2016 campaign and early in his presidency was simply unsustainable, so people for him and against him began to grant Trump.

But by the time the words of a president matter most, Trump's comments hit home even among those who had become numb by his shock-shock routine.

Presumably, Trump felt free to talk about the heart in Helsinki because what he said reflects the views of some of his most loyal followers. This is certainly not a majority of the country, and it may not even be a majority of Republicans, but among a substantial number of Trump voters, the idea that Hillary Clinton is worse than Putin is completely obvious.

As we have already said many times, there is a part of the electorate that would not even care if Trump had been conspiring with Putin. And if all this has happened, it is that Putin helped Trump to win the election, to those people who only say good things about the strong Russian man. When Putin smiled at Chris Wallace that what was in the emails his agents had stolen was true and that it was therefore appropriate to release him, he was echoing a Trump campaign argument.

These same political hates, well fed by the divisive politics of our time, have made us where at least a quarter of the Republicans think that Putin is a good guy, according to polls. They no doubt see her intervention in the election as a good thing because she was in their minds on the bright side.

Our rotten policy has apparently infected everything in American life, and that also applies to our foreign policy. Yes, there were American leftists who preferred the Soviet Union to the GOP, but few would have felt comfortable saying it. Now, it is acceptable among some ring-wing sects to choose the Kremlin over Democrats. But Trump discovered that his base is not as big as he thinks it is. The painful walk you saw on Tuesday, just like the one he's been attempting to run last summer facing another base maintenance debacle concerning the Charlottesville white nationalists, reflects this awareness.

seen in Finland – most Republicans tolerate only to get their favorite political results. And Monday was too much for standards.

But what convinced Trump to the point that he felt free to speak so freely in front of Putin, is the fact that in our electorate sliced ​​and cut off, pbadionate support from one party of the electorate has more value than broad support.

"But it should not be less absurd to abolish freedom, essential to political life, because it feeds the faction , that to wish for the annihilation of air, is essential to animal life, because it communicates its destructive power. "- James Madison Federalist No. 10

Happy National Hot Dog Day, dear readers. While we vehemently oppose the proliferation of fake holidays, we will not let this excuse for telling the truth to Americans about sausages in Frankfurt. We know that from Coney Island to Chicago to Chavez Ravine, there are a lot of local favorites for hot dogs. But we think it's time to tell you the truth: West Virginia hot dogs are the best. To make the ideal hot dog in West Virginia, start with not a frank, but a humble weenie with a little wink at its envelope and a slight spice in its filling. Cook on a hot plate and place in a soft bun. Apply yellow mustard, chopped raw white onion finer than the baby's breath and then the sauce. It would be wrong to call it "chili" because it does not have beans or even tomatoes. To be honest, it's just finely ground hamburger baked with chilli spice – not too spicy, not too sweet. Now, for those of you who love sauerkraut on your hot dogs, make sure you sit down when you are reading this: Top it with a layer of fresh, creamy, crispy cabbage salad and sweet. There are still some joints that serve them in West Virginia, but you can easily do them at home. To celebrate America's third best contribution to world cuisine, try one for yourself.

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Trump job performance
Medium Approval:
42 , 2%
Avg. Disapproval:
Net score:
-9.6 points
Last week's change:
up 1.8 points
[ Average includes: Gallup: 43% approve – 52% disapprove; Fox News: 46% approve – 51% disapprove; Quinnipiac University: 40% approve – 55% disapprove; ITNs: 41% approve – 54% disapprove; CNBC: 41% approve – 47% disapprove .]

Control of the House
Republican average:
Democrat average: 48.2%
Benefit :
Democrats plus 7.8 points
Change from one week ago:
Democratic benefit up 0.6 point
[ Average: Fox News: 48% Dems – 40% GOP; Quinnipiac University: 50% of Dems – 41% of GOP; ITN: 48% Dems – 40% GOP; USA Today / University of Suffolk: 45% Dems – 39% GOP; CNN: 50% Dems – 42% GOP ]


This Week Dana Perino and Chris Stirewalt discuss President Trump's summit with Russian President Vladimir Putin and the subsequent fire storm. Plus, Dana does not manage to find the time to eat properly because Chris is trying to solve a clbadic movie mystery. LISTEN AND SUBSCRIBE HERE

Bloomberg: "President Donald Trump gave go-ahead to announce new hacking accusations Russian electorate before his meeting with Vladimir Putin rather than after – in the hope of reinforcing his share in the talks, according to the testimony of people familiar with the decision.The Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein went to Trump last week and offered him the choice: before or after Putin's summit on Monday in Helsinki? Trump chose before, in the end put the issue to the honor just 72 hours before the high-stakes meeting, people said.In the end, Trump faced a torrent of bipartisan critics for suggesting that he was willing to accept the denial of the Russian president according to which his gouve Rally was behind the hacking during the 2016 presidential election, even though Trump had hoped that 12 Russians would be accused of interference. According to Trump, Russia "will help" NoKo –
Reuters: "President Donald Trump said on Wednesday that Russia would help North Korea and offer an enthusiastic update on the US negotiating process with the antagonistic Asian nation on Nuclear weapons. "Russia has agreed to help North Korea, where relations with us are very good and the process is moving forward," Trump told Twitter. "There is no such thing as" 39, urgency, the sanctions remain! "At the same time as the tweet was published, the RIA news agency reported that a summit between the leaders of Russia and North Korea was" in order ". of the day & # 39 ;.

Pompeo will testify before the Senate at the Summit – Hill: "Secretary of State Mike Pompeo will testify before the Senate Foreign Affairs Committee next week , where he is expected to face the summit between Russian President Vladimir Putin and President Trump Pompeo will testify publicly before the committee on July 25, confirmed a GOP contributor to The Hill.His testimony will come a week after Trump set off a Intense bipartite reaction in Washington when he appeared next to Putin at a joint press conference in Helsinki, Finland, and denied that Moscow had ingested in the 2016 presidential elections.

Montgomery Advertiser: "Despite a primary of five candidates who forced her to be eliminated, Rep. Martha Roby silenced the critics on Tuesday with a decisive victory over the old. Bobby Bright for the Republican nomination in the 2nd Congressional District of Alabama. Roby won another shot in his fifth term on Tuesday, bringing home 48,277 votes to Bright's 22,767 home. The Associated Press called the race less than two hours after polls closed. Roby approached the GOP primary campaign and the subsequent campaign in the usual way. But Roby was beaten for her political life after being accused of disloyalty, and she took the podium to her watch group with a tone of pbadionate gratitude and a clear exhale.

Sánchez announces an offer for the chair Dem Caucus Politico: "Dem. Joe Crowley has kept an unusually low profile since his shocking primary loss in June as his colleagues openly started plotting to succeed him. Rep. Linda Sánchez (D-Calif.), Democrat No. 5 behind Crowley, put this battle to the forefront Tuesday by officially announcing his candidacy for the presidency of the Democratic Caucus. Barbara Lee (D-Calif.), Opponent of Sánchez to the Vice Presidency in 2016, also said that she was seriously considering jumping into the race. … Sánchez's announcement brings the caucus to a multi-month leadership race that will likely end only after Thanksgiving. "

Arizona Rep. Tears his colleague McSally in the middle of a bitter primary –
Arizona Republic:. Paul Gosar a conservative Republican from northwestern Ontario. Arizona, broke with traditional norms and approved the former legislator Kelli Ward for the US Senate over his colleague Rep. Martha McSally . In a statement announcing the # Gosar questioned McSally's conservative Republican references, a broad audience in the conservative image that she pbaded on to primary voters while she sought the appointment of the GOP for the seat. of the Senate in Arizona. "We can not afford another pansy of the establishment that promises one thing and votes differently," said Gosar's statement. "Arizona has suffered for years with a dull senatorial delegation who ap romis one thing during the election and did another in D.C. – Kelli is not like that. His opponent, Martha McSally, is. In my time working with Martha, I found her, though personally nice, to be very politically inconsistent. "

House Republicans Late in Mid-Fundraising –
Politico:" An Exceptionally Many Holders Have Been Outraged by Their Democrat Opponents in the Last Three Months, Evidence more striking of the money woes of the GOP candidates, who continue to increase the number of seats likely to be taken by the Democrats.A POLITICO badysis of the latest filings of the Federal Election Commission Democrats in 56 constituencies surpbaded Republican incumbents in second-quarter fundraising, with sixteen of these House Republicans finishing the quarter with less money in their campaign accounts than Democratic opponents, while No Democratic member drags their Republican challengers in cash.It is a financial trend line that has worsened for Republican candidates. s last year, even as megadonaries pour millions into the super PAC of the House – a reflection of the democratic intensity that has gone through donors and voters since the election of President Donald Trump.

Cuomo donator gave enough time to bring down the average amount of donations –
WashTimes: "Always be a man of the people, especially if you can play the system to look like one. Sen. Bernard Sanders turned it into a talking point that the average donation to his 2016 presidential campaign was $ 27, politicians touted a small figure as proof that they lead a basic campaign and are not the product of some major donors.According to a report published Tuesday in the New York Times, the government campaign Andrew Cuomo brought it to a new level, in taking ridiculously small amounts of money from people to make the average small donation size.Some of these donors were dedicated.The Times reported that in the period preceding the reporting deadline, the donor Christopher Kim has contributed 69 times.

Dem Campaign Director Resigns After Video Shows Candidate Secretly Supporting Prohibition Of Weapons – Fox News: "Campaign Director Of Democrat Seeking an American seat in the state New York left the campaign on Tuesday, after a video showed that she would not join publicly in the ban on certain firearms – for fear of losing the elections. Mike Szustak who since April had directed the campaign of the candidate Tedra Cobb told the Watertown Daily Times that he was no longer part of the attempt of Cobb to overthrow Republican candidate Elise Stefanik in the 21st Congressional District of New York.The departure follows revelations that Cobb will not publicly declare that she is in favor. banning badault rifles Video was first revealed by the Washington Free Beacon. Fox News has also reported on the video. "

Trump spends most on FB political ads – NYT:" It's official: President Trump is the biggest political announcer on Facebook. Mr. Trump and his Political Action Committee have spent $ 274,000 on social media ads since the beginning of May, ahead of the second largest expense, Planned Parenthood Federation of America, a non-profit organization. which provides reproductive health care. Planned Parenthood spent just over $ 188,000 on Facebook ads during the same period. The ads purchased by Trump and his PAC have also been seen most by Facebook users, having been seen by at least 37 million people since May. This compares to 24 million people who saw the second largest group of political advertisements, which also came from Planned Parenthood. "

House Pbades the Resolution of the Ice – Roll Call

The House Seems to Match the Trump Wall Request – WaPo

Calif.The Supreme Court blocks the proposal to split the state into 3

Hmmm .. Kamala Harris announces his memoirs to come in 2019 – San Francisco Chronicles

The Dems of the Senate demand an adjournment of the hearing of the candidate of the Trump CFPB – The Hill

Trudeau in Trouble? – Bloomberg

Alaska The Democratic Congressional candidate does not live in the state or not planning to campaign – Fox News

] "Do these guys need to get up and look in the mirror to decide if they want to be re-elected?" – Chris LaCivita a Republican consultant, talks about Republicans in the House who have been outraged by the Democrats.

"Chris, Any update on the prospects of the Missouri Senate race? I know it's still #primaryseason, but let's badume that it's all right. Hawley v McCaskill – do you think the result will reflect the huge victory of Trump or the 3% squeaker of Sen. Blunt in 2016? "- Jack Whiteman St. Louis

[ ed. note: Mr. Whiteman you read in my thoughts! Missouri is sitting at the top of my inbox for the next update of the Senate rating. I think this one is about to mature and I promise we'll do a deeper dive on the subject very soon. ]

"My husband and I were convinced to support Trump in 2020, even though his behavior is sometimes disgusting, but seeing the expression on his face during this squeeze was a saying I do not know. what it hides, but it seems like a problem How many times can he escape to live another day. "- Karen Morrow Tampa, Florida

] [ ed. note: I only warn you, Mrs. Morrow, not to put you in a box. If the Democratic candidate in 2020 had been, say, Tim Kaine or someone else who had the moderate mind and the requisite experience, there would be Meme it millions of Republicans who would not have voted for Trump. Some would have voted for the Dem, but many others would have felt better about the idea of ​​a protest candidate. The peril that Clinton represented to many conservatives was real, and his own ethical quagmires were high enough to prevent the blue team from really hitting Trump where it hurts. Joe Biden likes to say, "Do not judge me by the Almighty. Judge me by the alternative. "And for all the remarkable and disturbing things about the 2016 election, one part remains inescapable: the Democrats have chosen their worst candidate in two generations, and I'm sure Trump has a very good chance of being re-elected despite this recent crisis.This is, after all, the same guy who equivocated on the murder of a protester by a white nationalist and can still claim the support of about four in ten voters. One of the main reasons Trump has such a good chance of being re-elected is that Democrats at the moment do not look like a party inclined to moderate sensitization towards persuasive voters, and it is doubtful that Trump could be as lucky as he is. It was in 2016 with a candidate like Clinton, but never say never. ]

Share your comment color: Write us at
HALFTIMEREPORT@FOXNEWS.COM and please make sure to include your name and hometown.

London Telegraph: "Staff distributed free deodorants to pbadengers on the notoriously stuffy Vienna U [subway] this week, and it seems like the initiative was popular : The entire stock of 14,000 deodorant sprays was seized in one day, and plans for a second distribution had to be set aside.Deodorants were "torn out of our hands", Daniel Amman a spokesman for the public transport company Wiener Linien.But he insisted that Viennese commuters were not more fragrant than those elsewhere. "This was mainly aimed at to be a consolation, "he said." High temperatures can also make odors more noticeable. "[95 degrees] temperatures were recorded at the U6 of Vienna … well beyond the limit of [86 degrees] for the tr ansport of cattle. "

" Long a basic element of the academic world, the totalitarian impulse spreads. What to do? Defend the dissidents, even if – perhaps, especially if – you do not agree with their policy. That's – it was? – in the American way. "- Charles Krauthammer written in the Washington Post, April 10, 2014.

Chris Stirewalt is the author of Fox News political editor Brianna McClelland contributed to this report Want a half-time report from FOX News in your inbox every day?

Chris Stirewalt joins Fox News Channel (FNC) in July 2010 and is a political editor based in Washington, DC

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