Questions remain about McClintic | The Star


McClintic back in prison after longevity, Tori Stafford dad says, Nov. 8

The heinous murder of Tori Stafford by Terri Lynn McClinic and her partner, touched the hearts of us all. McClintic's recent transfer from the prison to the custody of a prisoner, a complaint to the Stafford family and to the justice system in disrepute. Then the Trudeau is involved in stonewalling and inaction, with Prime Minister Trudeau calling the Official Opposition "ambulance chasers," for the purpose of asking the question of why McClintic. Even now there will be as few questions as possible, but minimum security.

I give Tori 's father' s full marks for keeping this in the headlines, even leading a protest on Parliament Hill, until the Trudeau government finally took action.

Larry Comeau, Ottawa

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