Astronomers using the Very Long Baseline NSF (VLBA) have found a quasar with the most brilliant radio show ever observed in the early Universe.

A PSO artist design J352.4034-15.3373, with the disk of material orbiting the black hole and jet of fast particles ejected into space. Photo Credit: Robin Dienel / Carnegie Institute for Science
Quasars are galaxies with black holes supermbadive to their nuclei.
The powerful gravitational attraction of such a black hole attracts the surrounding material that forms a rotating disc around the mbadif. object. The rapidly spinning disc spews jets of particles that move outward at speeds approaching those of light. These energetic "engines" are powerful emitters of light and radio waves
The newly discovered quasar, called PSO J352.4034-15.3373 (abbreviated P352-15), is extremely brilliant in the radio part of the spectrum . 19659005] The extremely sharp VLBA radio vision showed that the P352-15 was divided into three main components, two of which show further subdivision. The components are spread out over a distance of about 5,000 light-years only
"It's the most detailed image of a galaxy as brilliant at this distance," said Dr. Emmanuel Momjian, of the National Observatory of Radioastronomy.
"There is a shortage of strong radio transmitters known to the youth of the Universe and it is the most brilliant radio quasar of this era by a factor of 10", added Eduardo Banados , from the Carnegie Institution for Science. The light of the P352-15 has traveled nearly 13 billion of the 13.7 billion years of the Universe to reach our planet.
"We see P352-15 as it was when the Universe was less than a billion years old, or only about 7%" Chris Carilli, of the "I 'm". National Observatory of Radioastronomy and the Cavendish Laboratory of the University of Cambridge
"It is towards the end of a period when the first stars and galaxies were reionized." Neutrals Who "
" Other observations could allow us to use this quasar as a "bottom" lamp to measure the amount of neutral hydrogen remaining at that time. "

This VLBA image shows PSO J352.4034-15.3373; three main components of the object are visible, two of them showing an additional substructure. Photo Credit: Momjian and others / B. Saxton / NRAO / AUI / NSF
The three main components of P352-15 can be explained in two ways, according to the team.
One explanation is that we see the shining core of the quasar, corresponding to the location of the supermbadive black hole itself, at one end, and the other two bright spots are parts of the quasar. a unilateral throw.
The other possibility is that their middle object is the nucleus, and the other objects are jets ejected in opposite directions. Because one of the end objects is closest to the position of the quasar seen with visible light telescopes, they consider that the unilateral jet is the most likely explanation.
The one-sided jet explanation raises the exciting possibility astronomers may be able to detect and measure the jet's expansion by observing P352-15 over several years.
"This quasar may be the farthest object in which we could measure the speed of such a jet", Dr. Momjian
If, instead, the central object is the core, with two opposing jets, its small size suggests that it can be very young or be embedded in a dense gas that slows the expansion of the jets.
The expected future observations will determine which scenario is accurate.
"The brightness of this quasar and its great distance make it a unique tool for studying the conditions and processes that prevailed in the early galaxies of the Universe.We look forward to discovering more of its mysteries," he said. said Dr. Carilli.
The results were published in two articles in the Astrophysical Journal and the Astrophysical Journal Letters . ] _____
Emmanuel Momjian and others . 2018. Resolution of the Powerful Radio Quasar at z ~ 6. ApJ 861, 86; doi: 10.3847 / 1538-4357 / aac76f
Eduardo Bañados and others . 2018. A powerful Quasar Radio-Fort at the end of Cosmic Reionization. ApJL 861, L14; doi: 10.3847 / 2041-8213 / aac511
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