Radiohead singer criticizes the lack of progress in the fatal death of Toronto's stage collapse


David Friend, The Canadian Press

Published Thursday 19 July 2018 13:08 EDT

Last Updated Friday, July 20, 2018 1:29 AM EDT

TORONTO – The singer of Radiohead has strongly criticized the lack of progress in determining the collapse and death of a drum technician in Toronto at the band's first concert in Great -Brittany since the deadly incident of 2012.

The group kissed at the ScotiaBank Arena on Thursday night, Thom Yorke used a curse to describe the silence as "deafening", and told the crowd that " the people who should be held responsible are still not held accountable "

. Silence followed Yorke's remarks, but he was frequently interrupted by shouts from the crowd and prompted a man to loudly claim that the fans were silent.

British drum technician Scott Johnson, age 33, was killed on June 16, 2012 It took a few hours before Radiohead performed at Downsview Park in Toronto's north end. Johnson 's father said on Thursday that he was waiting for the coroner' s investigation into the incident to begin early next year.

Ken Johnson said he was interviewed Wednesday with the Chief Coroner of Ontario. – and he was told that the tentative window of investigation was scheduled for February or March. A representative of the office refused to confirm the schedule.

The beginning of the proceedings would be a step toward what Johnson hopes to recognize the series of events that led to the death of his son and ensure that safety measures are in place to prevent an accident similar. "They can not bring back Scott – which is obviously painful," said Johnson in an interview Thursday in Birmingham

"But it must be clear: I think people need to see what s & # 39;

Thirteen charges were laid against the Live Nation promoter, the engineer Domenic Cugliari and the contractor Optex Staging under provincial health and safety laws.

The next trial failed when the presiding judge stated that he lost the case because of his appointment to a superior court. This decision led to the decision of a senior judge to declare a trial null and a new hearing was scheduled

. Last September, these charges were suspended after a judge ruled that the case was taking too long to be tried

. a coroner's inquest, which is an independent investigation designed to draw the public's attention to the circumstances of a death, rather than blame it.

Johnson, who himself spent about 18 years as technical advisor for the British scaffolding industry. He hopes that the investigation will bring some nail in a case where he believes that no one has taken responsibility for the incident.

He said that he stays in touch with the band members of Radiohead and was invited to attend the Toronto concert as a guest. He declined offering to focus on the ongoing investigation.

"Although I would have liked to be with them," said Johnson, "I thought it was going to be a pretty tough night for them anyway." I think I could probably add something or improve something. thing for them or for the team, it's something they'll discover for themselves. "

Johnson told Radiohead, who is also scheduled to play Friday at the 39th. Scotiabank Arena in Toronto, he is "just as committed" as his family to seeing a result. When the decision was made last year, the Johnson family lashed out against her, as did the band and the Ontario Federation of Labor, which represents 54 unions in the province.

"For me, I would like the case to be over. Johnson said, "But I do not see that happening."

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