Red Dead Redemption 2: Tips, Guides and Cheat Codes


Red Dead Redemption 2 has finally arrived. Rockstar's new western open-world game is now available on PS4 and Xbox One and offers players a huge, open world to explore. The only main story will take you about 50 hours to complete, and that's before you get started on much of its secondary content – and all of this has to be followed by Red Dead Online in November, the online multiplayer component of the Thu.

To help you get the most out of your experience, we've put together a lot of guides and tips, covering both specific aspects of the game and a wider range of things you need to know before you start. Rockstar has chosen not to hold your hand with many features of the game, leaving you the choice to discover them or find them hidden in menus. We'll also look at some of these examples to make sure you're aware of everything the game has to offer.

We have many other guides and tips on the way, and we will continue to update the list below with all of them. While you're waiting to get your hands on the game, be sure to check out our RDR 2 review.


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Cheat codes are a potentially important aspect of the new game. Like GTA V previously, RDR 2 allows you to use tricks and even has a full menu available for this feature. However, at this early stage we do not know what they are all about; at least some are cleverly hidden in the newspapers at stake. We will do our best to find them and we will inform you as and when they are discovered – you can see those we could confirm in our list of all tips of Red Dead 2. If GTA V is a solution, you may be able to get unlimited money, raise / lower the level of your choice and reproduce horses to any time, although nothing guarantees that Rockstar 's approach to cheating has not changed since. In the meantime, we also have an overview of the best RDR2 tips that are worth trying.

Do you need to play Red Dead Redemption first?

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Red Dead Redemption 2 is the third game in the Red Dead series, even though it's only closely related to its direct predecessor. However, the RDR 2 is a precedent, taking place years before the events of the first RDR. If you have already played the previous game, you will recognize the names and faces of many characters, including the protagonist of the RDR, John Marston. We wonder if you should start by playing RDR in our article, but whatever your choice, you should give our recap of the story of Red Dead Redemption a reminder to refresh your memory, or to fill in gaps for the first time.

Tips to Know Before You Begin

As with any game, it can be helpful to start with some knowledge in hand. This is certainly the case of RDR 2, which is a dense game filled with various systems that interact with each other. With that in mind, we've put together a list of key tips to know before starting the game for the first time. We have reduced the number of spoilers to a minimum, but you will want to know, for example, that secondary missions may expire if you do not get there fast enough.

How to make money fast

As an outlaw, you are looking for money, but not necessarily out of greed. Whether your motivation is improving your gang and its members or because you simply want a new gun and a new horse, you are going to want to get your hands on as much money as possible. With this in mind, we have developed a guide on how to make money quickly.

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Outfits And Climates

Red Dead 2 tries to immerse you in its world thanks to its climates. If you want to maximize your performance, you will need to consider temperatures, wearing appropriate clothing depending on where you are in the world. We have put together all the outfits we have met up to now to give you an idea of ​​what you can find.

Things that the game does not tell you

By playing and sharing stories with friends, you may realize that there are a number of things that the game does not tell you. There are many interesting details and details that you could miss because Rockstar does not throw you in the face. We have done our best to gather a number so you do not miss any opportunity during your adventures.

How do morality and honor work?

Among the many systems that you will find in Red Dead 2, you will find the honor. Arthur Morgan can be a criminal, no matter what choices you make, but there are degrees for which he is a bad guy. It comes into play with morality and honor, because your actions will increase or decrease your honor. Pressing the D-pad allows you to see this at any time, and something as simple as welcoming a pbader will allow you to build it. In addition to the way people react to you, it's helpful to know the implications of your honor – Good Guy Arthur will benefit from discounts in the stores, which is a way to save money .

Some secondary missions may expire

If you are a completion, the thought of the disappearance of optional missions is downright hideous. But whatever your approach to playing games like Red Dead 2, you absolutely must engage with optional content involving your gang. These sequences present some of the best character moments in the game, but if you advance enough in the story, some of these missions will disappear, whether or not you have accomplished them. To learn more about how it works, see our public interest message on Expiring Parallel Missions.

How can I travel quickly?

Quick moves exist in RDR2, although it's not something you do by selecting a point on your map and deforming it. To move quickly, you have to use real modes of transport, such as stagecoaches. If you have patience, you will do much better to run or take your horse, because you will meet the most interesting content of the game. But if speed is essential, see our explanation on the speed of travel.

All pistols

As stated above, money is a premium, so you do not necessarily want to buy all the weapons on which you wear eyes. You may want to plan ahead, so we have collected all the weapons we have discovered so far to give you an idea of ​​what awaits you.

Health, stamina, dead eye and hearts and horse bars explained

One of the many new wrinkles in Red Dead 2 is the main system, which dictates a variety of aspects of your character. It can be a bit complex to think of something else, the hearts influencing the bars, but the bars being used before the hearts, among other things. Do yourself a favor and understand this key system by consulting our guide on the functioning of hearts.

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Fishing tips

At the beginning of the game, you will have the opportunity to fish, which can be a funny mini-game to make you waste time. You can get by without too much strategy, but if you're interested in the biggest legendary fish in the world of Red Dead, check out our fishing guide for tips and legendary fishing spots.

How to find the legendary animals and skins

In Chapter 2, you'll meet your first legendary animal, a huge grizzly bear. From there, you will be able to track and hunt the game's rarest animals, some of which will require extra firepower. If you want to know the location of every elusive animal in the world of Red Dead 2, check out our pet guide on the sand of legendary animals to find out how to look for them and how to use this bear skin. legendary.

Benefits Guide: trinkets, talismans and craft components you need

The benefits bring improvements to Arthur's overall abilities that are unlocked by getting talismans and trinkets, which are primarily manufactured at Fences. You will need legendary animal parts to make them. Others are rewarded by completing specific badignments under special conditions. Check out our guide on benefits, which describes in detail all the talismans we've found up to now, what they do and what you need to unlock them.

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