Rescued puppies will be up for adoption


CTV Vancouver

Published Monday, October 29, 2018 7:03 PM PDT

Last Updated Monday, October 29, 2018 7:30 PM PDT

A pair of adorable St. Bernard-cross puppies who have been rescued from a mission in BC, BC over the weekend will be put for adoption if the BC SPCA says.

The four-month-old pups were found to be cold, hungry and whimpering on a mission by the members of the Mission Search and Rescue Sunday, the days of the dropping lake.

"During the day, they get a bit of energy when it warms up, they are howling and crying all day long," said nearby resident Emma Wilfert.

Although outside their mandate, SAR Mission realized that they could not help the dogs, residents might try to get stuck themselves. And so the group's very first animal rescue mission.

Armed with climbing gear, 15 rescuers scaled the land steep, making it to the ledge where the puppies were trapped.

According to veterinarian Adrian Walton, the dogs were "a little thin" but otherwise in good health despite the ordeal.

Given that they were found in the area, dogs were dumped, adding that he would be reaching out to the SPCA's animal cruelty department.

With no collars, tattoos or microchips to help identify them, staff at the SPCA 's Maple Ridge branch have named the dogs Duchess and Francine.

"All the dogs that come in," said Krista Shaw of the BC SPCA. "After that, they will be available for adoption."

The office has already received calls from people who are interested, including some involved in the rescue.

With files from Vancouver CTV Breanna Karstens-Smith and Jon Woodward

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