Resolution of the defeated needle


By Lethbridge Herald July 23, 2018.

© Lethbridge Herald picture by Tijana Martin
Lethbridge City Council votes 5-4 against Blaine Hyggen's needle distribution resolution at City Hall on Monday. @TMartinHerald

Nick Kuhl
Lethbridge Herald
The most controversial issue of recent history and memory in the city of Lethbridge will continue.
vote on a resolution proposed by Lethbridge City Councilor, Blaine Hyggen, Council members and ARCHES
This proposal – to develop a regulation that could end the distribution of needles out site by ARCHES on the site of supervised consumption – was rejected. 4 in front of a crowd of more than capacity at the Lethbridge Town Hall after a debate of two hours and over Monday afternoon.
The five votes against the resolution were from Mayor Chris Spearman, Coun. Jeff Carlson, Counsel Jeff Coffman, Council Belinda Crowson and Coun. Rob Miyashiro
The four votes in favor of the resolution come from Hyggen, Coun. Mark Campbell, Counselor. Joe Mauro and Coun. Ryan Parker
Miyashiro said that the World Health Organization's best practices in risk reduction are being realized. Carlson said that he was looking at facts and was also thinking if it was his loved ones who were in situations, while Crowson said that she was voting on facts rather than fear.
Coffman, who has proposed several amendments that have been defeated or withdrawn, said that he wants to see the supervised consumption site run for a year, and then review the badysis. Mauro said that he voted by keeping the community feeling in mind, while Campbell had a similar reasoning, saying that he was listening to the people who had elected him.
Parker said that during his 20 years on the city council, he has never seen a community at this point.
"It affects everyone," he said. "Everyone has the skin in the game. I think the debate reflected the community right now."
During the meeting, Parker proposed a six-month trial period to end the distribution of needles to measure more data on this side.The amendment was done in a compromise effort, he said.
The split vote was the same as the main Hyggen resolution with a defeat of 5-4
"Obviously, my colleagues did not agree with the amendment," Parker said. "But at least I tried it. I think we need facts and figures.
The original resolution was presented by Hyggen on July 9, then postponed to Monday. He suggests restricting the needle program – an effort mandated by the province to reduce diseases such as HIV and hepatitis B and C.
Alberta Municipal Affairs will later confirm that the council has the ability adopt bylaws to protect residents, but these regulations could be challenged in court.
Hyggen said that after the meeting he was frustrated because there was so much research done by so many people in the community on the eve of Monday. it's a disappointment, but I do not think it's a loss. It really attracted the community. when it comes to going out and wanting to talk about it, "he said.
"We talked about it earlier; When this resolution is over, you must check the personalities at the door. You flip this page and start at the next resolution. It is so important that we look at each resolution separately and we do not bring one and mix that up. "
Spearman said after the meeting that the council and the community must remain open about issues, including the number"
"I think it's a very positive thing," did he says … Everyone has a firm opinion, but when people provide a contract health service, it's a challenge. "
Stacey Bourque, Executive Director of ARCHES, said that even if the resolution was pbaded, she would not have stopped distributing needles.
"I agree with the council that we must continue to work with the community and continue to find ways to support the local businesses and support the community as a whole, "she said after the meeting, trying to find other solutions and ways to address the concerns. let's live and breathe this every day. is a very controversial issue in the community, but we are obviously happy not to have to continue this battle.
Ms. Bourque added that she believed councilors had done a lot of research to prepare.
"Some of them have made a lot of very good points," she said. "There was a lot of healthy debate going on, I'm glad the vote went in the right direction."
When the council started at 1:30 pm on Monday, a majority of half-open rooms when Spearman confirmed that the hour of the distribution of needles was to begin at 16:00
Several people in the crowd also sported T-shirts saying: "Instead of whining why not? just LEAVE – Mayor Spearman, 2018 "in reference to a comment on Facebook They were created by local man Reuben Tams, who said that he spent $ 600 of his own money to print 50
Later, during the debate, another man left shouting "you are an idiot" Spearman, telling others to leave when they were going to be heard in Council Chambers Those who remained decided to use the thumbs and inches to voice their opinion.
Hyggen, meanwhile, said the next step for the community is to continue to work.
"In my opinion, it's not going to get any better," he said. "I think if we try something, that does not risk anything, let's try to see if it will work, and you know what, maybe not, but it does not improve like that. "
" It is a public health service in the community that we must provide to marginalized populations of very vulnerable people, "Bourque said. "So, we will continue to provide this service to prevent the transmission of the disease.All we can do is share best practices and evidence-based practice."
"Today he makes a decision and now I have the opportunity to go talk to the provincial government, the health minister, even the prime minister, and say, "we need to" 39, help in Lethbridge, "said Mr. Spearman
too slow to come in. If something were approved tomorrow, it could take a year and a half or two years to implement it.We would have similar problems if we had a safe sobering site approved, where would we put it – I'm sure neighbors would not be happy where we put it – but we need it in our community How can we deal with these neighborhood issues and we to ensure that we get the services we have s need? "
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