Last week, Roseanne Barr told her fans to sign up for her YouTube channel. The TV interviews were "too stressful and untrustworthy," she tweeted. She was going to film her "full explanation of what happened and why" and posted her on YouTube, referring to the recent scandal in which a tweet led to the cancellation of her ABC sitcom restarted, despite the huge audience of the series
Over the next few days, Barr tweeted some more details
I'd like to speak directly to you, people, and Cut out all the middlemen that use for clickbait / advertising revenue while seeking to divide rather than unite. Please send me your questions to askroseannebarr@gmail.com and I will post replies on my YouTube channel next week.
– Roseanne Barr (@therealroseanne) July 12, 2018
Barr's YouTube channel has been around for some time, even though she slept for months. After these tweets, she relaunched it with a flurry of videos, including one late Thursday that drew attention. The one-minute video feels behind the scenes, while Barr checks the sound of a microphone and sighs, exasperated as a man off camera tries to explain the concept behind a video that Barr, presumably, is about to film.
Barr He is told to imagine himself as the president, caught in a scandal. "Imagine in his statement, to keep and save his job, there were jumping jumps, multiple outfits -"
"I'm trying to talk about Iran, I'm trying to talk about Valerie Jarrett, the case of Iran! " Barr screams. The tweet that led to his dismissal refers to Jarrett, saying that if the "Muslim Brotherhood and Planet of the Apes had a baby", it would be the former Obama adviser, who is black. To refer to blacks as monkeys or monkeys is a well-known racist trope of long standing.
In the video, Barr continues to scream, before looking directly into the camera.
"I thought" Jarrett "was white," Barr screams, using a vulgar word for a woman instead of Jarrett's name. She repeats the scream, with some more obscenities, then the video ends with Barr taking a long trail on the lit cigarette in his hand.
Maybe it's a teaser for more, or maybe the "joke" is supposed to be that this vulgar cry is all that Barr needs to say to deal with his own downfall . 19659012] A handful of his other videos over the last two days seem to document the stages of cooking the same batch of French toast. A video is devoted to the crushing of cinnamon sticks, another discusses which brown pot is the best. Another, titled "Advice from the Domestic Goddess", shows Barr holding her dress around her hips, to properly demonstrate a technique for women who would urinate standing
Whatever Barr's plans, the turn of YouTube is more or less in line with the way the Internet Conspiracy works. Although YouTube has gradually begun to suppress misinformation, it is still seen as a basic platform for personalities who encourage conspiracy – like Alex Jones and his network of contributors – to build an audience
Barr herself is part of this community, mainly as an amplifier. She has a habit of sharing anti-Muslim memes and promoting conspiracy theories like Pizzagate on her verified account, long before her TV series is revived. Some of these tweets have even directed its followers to watch YouTube videos about these conspiracies, drawn deep in circles of people who spend a lot of time online promoting them. For this fringe, she was unique: a true celebrity who believed what they believed.
When "Roseanne" came back, and was also touched, Barr promised to refuse the policy on his personal presence on social media – a promise that did not last very long, and ended up lead to the cancellation of his show. Now that she has lost the platform of a network show, it makes sense that she gets back to YouTube.
More reading:
A short history of Alex Jones claiming that the left is about to start a second civil war [19659018] YouTube is the new way to become famous. At VidCon, pre-teens want to be the following
George Soros was not Nazi, Roseanne Barr. He was a 14 year old Jew who hid from them.