Russell Simmons accused of rape by Alexia Norton Jones, W.W. Norton's granddaughter


Alexia Norton Jones, the granddaughter of the book editor William Warder Norton (aka WW Norton), told Variety in a After a series of interviews, Simmons, after a first date with Jones in November 1990, she was taken back to her apartment and raped her. Simmons denied the allegation.

"It was such a fast attack," Jones said. "It was literally an attack.Because he was overweight, I remember thinking that it was as if I was being attacked by a soft walrus. I was pushed against a wall, he pulled my dress, I must have said no seven to ten times, then I agreed, it was very fast, I would say it happened in less than 10 minutes. "

Simmons denied the claim in a statement to Variety . "I am deeply saddened by this story of Alexia," he said. "At no point did she share those feelings about her first badual encounter with me, which took place about 28 years ago, I took several lie detector tests that claim that I I have never badually badaulted anyone. "Alexia and I went out together, were intimate and attended several events together after claiming that the incident occurred in 1990. I considered it as a friend for all these years and i continue to have a warm relationship with her family members.I think we last spoke in 2006 when she called to express her disappointment about the fact that i n & # 39; I did not attend an event honoring his father. "

A Simmons representative also relayed a statement to impresario hip-hop shopkeeper Kenneth L. Jennings, who has been with Simmons since 1989." I remember Driving Mr. Simmons and Alexia Jones between 10 and 12 dates around 1990, "Jennings said in the statement. "Their relationship lasted about five months."

Jones told Variety that she met Simmons through her first office work, at Inter City Broadcasting Corporation in the mid-1980s. They ran in the same social circles, and Jones said that she "liked" him after Simmons pursued her. She also said that he previously seemed "very nervous, restless, sweaty, hanging out with a couple of brothers who had drug problems."

"I was thinking of something?" She said about of the alleged badault. "I've also thought," How could I be such an idiot? "Here, I am, I trust her, I had been a survivor of badual abuse when I was a teenage girl."

Jones said she was not a teenager. had told anyone about the alleged incident "because we had the same friends", although she later told her therapist. "It was my concern, to be honest with you: he did not use a condom," she said. "I was worried about being exposed to a badually transmitted disease.The other concern was pregnancy.I was freaked out." She went on to say how "depressed" she is became like Simmons continued to pursue her. "It's the worst message it sends, that someone could in a different circumstance like you but think you're worthless, and it can just take it from you." like the murder of the soul. "

Jones filed a police report with the New York Police Department last spring, but his claim fell out of New York's statute of limitations for crimes . She said that she always wanted to talk and stay with the other women who filed claims against Simmons.

Former model aspirant Keri Claussen Khalighi told the Los Angeles Times last year that Simmons badaulted him in his apartment in 1991. The NYPD opened an investigation in December on at least 12 charges of badual misconduct against Simmons that lasted three decades. In January, Simmons also filed a lawsuit against 15 accusers, alleging varying degrees of badual misconduct and badual badault.

Simmons vehemently denied these accusations, according to a statement made to PEOPLE at the following address: Time.

"I have already apologized for the cases of insensitivity in my consensual relationships," said Simmons in part. "I have separated from my businesses and charities so that I do not become a distraction, I have devoted myself to spiritual learning, healing and work on behalf of the communities I have dedicated to I've accepted that I can and should have dirt on my sleeves if it means attending the birth of a new women's conscience.What I will not accept, this is Is the responsibility of what I have not done.I have led my life with a message of peace and love.Although I have been frank about how of whom I have lived in books and interviews detailing my shortcomings, I will fight relentlessly against any murder of a lying character who portrays me as a violent man. "

Read Jones' full remarks at Variety .

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