WASHINGTON – A 29-year-old Russian woman living in Washington was arrested and charged with conspiring to act as an agent of the Russian government while developing links with US citizens and undercover political groups, announced Monday the US Department of Justice.
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Maria Butina, student at the American University and founder of the Russian organization for the defense of the rights of firearms Right to Bear Arms, is accused of working at the direction of a senior official who worked for the Central Bank of Russia and was recently sanctioned by the Office of Foreign Assets Control of the US Treasury, said the Ministry of Justice in a communiqué
. 19659004] However, she is photographed in many photographs on her Facebook page with Alexander Torshin, the deputy head of the Central Bank of Russia, and a person close to the record confirmed to Reuters that she was working for him.
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Torshin was sanctioned by the US Treasury Department in April.
Butina was arrested Sunday and was detained pending a hearing. Wednesday, he said.
According to the lawsuit against her, she worked with two anonymous US citizens and the Russian official to try to influence American politics and infiltrate a pro-gun defense organization.
The complaint does not name a group; However, pictures on her Facebook page show that she attended events sponsored by the National Rifle Association.
– Report by Sarah N. Lynch and David Alexander; Edition by Mohammad Zargham and Jonathan Oatis