Sale of the week: discussions on gas in Berlin, offensives on smugglers, barriers in the economy


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<p>  Ukrainian officials have this week with their Russian counterparts, countries at war against Ukraine, tried to take a stand in future negotiations on the transit and the This issue has become one of the most acute in bilateral relations and has spawned a number of "gas wars", forcing Ukraine a few years ago to completely reject the Russian gas imports. </p>
<p>  At the initiative of the EU, Ukraine Officials in Berlin have discussed with Kremlin envoys in the Ukraine-EU-Russia format of the. future of the Russian gas transit contract via the gas pipeline of Ukraine, the current transit contract with Gazprom expiring on December 31, 2019 while the Ukraine could not hear directly on a new Naftogaz-Gazprom agreement. The slowness of the emlin in the process is quite understandable since Russia has actively promoted the construction of the Nord Stream-2 gas pipeline in Europe bypbading Ukraine. Nostalgic of the Soviet Union, the northern neighbor of Ukraine intends to reduce as much as possible the gas transit volumes via the Ukrainian SMT, barely 10 to 15 billion cubic meters per year. would mean the collapse of the gas transportation system and billions of losses to the Ukrainian budget. Speaking of interested mediator, the European Union keeps repeating that Nord Stream 2 is an exclusively commercial project and that Ukraine will not lose its transit status of gas, at the end of which the l & # 39; EU is committed to doing everything possible. </p>
<p>  Naftogaz the latest talks in Berlin have indicated that, in order to preserve transit volumes, it is ready to revise tariffs, namely, reduce transportation costs from $ 2.7 to $ 2.2 per 1,000 cubic meters per 100 km. This will allow the Ukrainian GTS to win the Nord Stream 2 competition that Russia promotes with the help of "European Kremlin friends". But there was also a condition in front of Gazprom – allowing gas transit to the EU from Central Asia. </p>
<p>  Such a position seems fair and, perhaps, there was no policy on this file, I would have found support. But it is obvious that the Russian authorities do not want to give up their "gas baton". In addition, their ego was badly hurt by their loss in late February 2018 in the gas dispute with Naftogaz in the Stockholm Arbitration in February 2018. After all, according to the price of the Swedish referees, Gazprom has to pay at the same time. Ukrainian company 2.56 billion dollars and provide to Ukraine in 2018-2019 some 10 billion cubic meters of gas at prices similar to those of German hubs. But the payment of Ukraine is something that their dignity will not allow to do. </p>
<p>  Such conclusions are motivated by the recent statement by Vladimir Putin that Russia will agree to extend the contract only if the Stockholm dispute is settled. In response, Ukrainian Foreign Minister Pavlo Klimkin stressed that Russia would not be able to settle the cases already decided by the Stockholm Arbitration Court. "We must follow generally accepted legal standards and international law," the Foreign Minister noted. </p>
<p>  However, Klimkin's words have not cooled the ardor of the Russian authorities. during tripartite talks in Berlin </p>
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<p>  The next round of negotiations between Ukraine, the European Union and Russia on gas transit via the Ukrainian SMT after 2019 will take place in October this year, according to European Commissioner Maros Sefcovic, a meeting of leading experts on gas transit will be organized to lay the groundwork for the next tripartite meeting at the political level </p>
<p>  The three parties will allow high-level experts to work in four areas: the EU application in Ukraine on future transit operator certified GTS; and tariffs, according to European Commissioner </p>
<p>  Sefcovic suggested that meetings could be held at intervals of six to eight weeks.added that the parties had agreed to separate the discussion of the new transit contract from older issues. </p>
<p>  At the same time, the European Commissioner said that the new agreement on the transit of gas via Ukraine, which will be signed after 2019, must comply with European law </p>
<p>  <strong> The Smuggling must be stopped </strong> </p>
<p>  This week, the government reported the first results of its intensified fight against smuggling, launched in late June. Prime Minister Volodymyr Groysman said that the volume of violations detected in the last three weeks amounted to 2.2 billion UAH. They included underestimation of value for duty, outright contraband (including petroleum products), separation of small lots of commercial batches to avoid taxation, and so on. In addition, the initiative "Ukraine without smuggling" an average of 20-34%. According to the Cabinet, an effective fight against smuggling will attract to the budget about 100 billion UAH. </p>
<p>  Groysman pledged further efforts to reveal various smuggling schemes, claiming that it would be "fair for Ukrainians and Ukraine." </p>
<p>  The main things in Cabonet's goal now is contraband wood. "Today, I propose that the Audit Department, the Tax Department, the National Police and the State Department of Geodesy, Cartography and Cadastre launch in-depth audits in all forest enterprises. in Ukraine, with concrete data on the bills, who signed them, exit checkpoints, and specific family names, "said Groysman at a government meeting on July 18. </p>
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He indicated that the information on the revealed plans had been transmitted to the Attorney General's Office. the government will request EU data on batches that arrived from Ukraine. And we will see that it was wood [cheap type] that had been shipped from Ukraine, while round wood was coming in [the EU]. I am sure about this, "the Prime Minister said.

Also, on the suggestion of the Minister of Infrastructure Volodymyr Omelyan, the Cabinet instructed Ukrzaliznytsia to send to the authorities online all the photos

The prime minister pointed out that since 1 June, nearly 1,000 cars with wood have left Ukraine. "But behind every wagon there is a signature. was recorded, they were documenting themselves, now the ball is on the ground of the Attorney General's office, and I hope [perpetrators] they will be judged by the new anti-corruption court, "sums up the PM [19659003] The Minister of Ecology and Natural Resources, Ostap Semerak, proposed to authorize environmental inspections of logging companies at the time of logging.In fact, today, in Ukraine, the moratorium on business inspections applied previously, including on environmental controls, supported this initiative, while noting that it is necessary to develop a plan for these inspections, as well as to determine how the government evaluate their effectiveness

Towards ease of business

  Photo from UNIAN


In addition to fighting smuggling, the government has also embarked on a more economic deregulation push by endorsing another set of solutions to improve the business climate, abolishing 22 regulatory acts in various areas. It should be noted that the process of economic deregulation has been ongoing since 2014, involving the lifting or updating of most regulatory decisions. The last major wave of deregulation was observed in late 2017, when the government abolished more than three hundred regulations.

The Cabinet changed the procedure for maintaining the land registry of the state. In particular, the grounds were detailed for the refusal to accept data, a preliminary verification of the necessary electronic documents was introduced, and an online monitoring was installed of the processing status of all types of documents. applications.

Refusals will be reduced by 100,000 per year, which will allow businesses to save 60 million dirhams in direct costs, said the First Deputy Minister of Economic Development and Trade , Maksym Nefyodov

. "We are not talking about illegal immigrants who come to our country, but to eliminate the absolutely absurd standards of our legislation, when a person who has already received a certificate permanent employment must leave the Ukrainian territory and return then ", Nefyodov

The corresponding decision will no longer allow the immigration authorities to refuse applications for residence permit on the grounds that the date of 39, Applicant's entry into Ukraine precedes the date on which he obtained a work permit Standard on the prohibition of data entry and keeping of staff workbooks by foreign legal entities operating in Ukraine.

Another positive sign for mobile phone users was the government's decision to simplify infrastructure access for telecom operators. They have complained repeatedly that one of the factors of poor mobile communication was complicated access to the infrastructure. According to the First Deputy Prime Minister, Stepan Kubiv, this decision will bring from 5 to 19 million the number of connections to broadband access

New Supervisory Board of Ukrzaliznytsia [19659008] Picture of UNIAN “src = “” title = “Photo de UNIAN” />

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Last week, finally, a long-awaited The new Supervisory Board of the national railway operator Ukrzaliznytsia met with the resignation of the CEO Wojciech Balczun last year, the government announced twice a competition for the selection of members of the Supervisory Board. approve the new composition of the Supervisory Board of the state holding, essential for the development of the country's economy, consisting of seven people: the Atlantic Council expert Anders Aslund, director of the German railway operator Kun Christian, world leader e xpert in finance and accounting Andreas Mathieu, former head of the EBRD office in Ukraine Sevki Acuner, head of the Office for Investment in Government Ukraine, Daniel Bilak, government representative Kostyantyn Marievych, as well as another representative of the Office of Investment Promotion, Ivan Yurik.

At the first meeting of the Supervisory Board, its leader was elected – former head of the EBRD's office in Ukraine Sevki Acuner. At the press conference that followed the meeting, he said that the government had agreed to transfer to the Supervisory Board of Ukrzaliznytsia the power to appoint members of the board of directors of the company. For now, the supervisory board has reached a preliminary agreement with the government, according to which it could submit its vision of a management team with which it would be comfortable to work, according to Acuner. In this regard, time will tell if the acting head of the board of Ukrzaliznytsia, Yevhen Kravtsov, will remain at the head of the company.

Next week, Ukrainian farmers in difficult weather conditions will continue to struggle for their harvest, while government, it would be better to finally set the new gas tariffs to pave the way for the next tranche of IMF to Ukraine.

Oleksandr Kunytsky

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