Sanju Ranbir Kapoor reveals the impulsiveness, intensity and stoicism of Sanjay Dutt, as well as many hairstyles


Imagine the hype if one of Hollywood's biggest stars, George Clooney or Brad Pitt, was arrested for terrorism-related charges.

It would attract the attention of the whole world

But when Bollywood is bad boy and irredeemable The womanizer Sanjay Dutt was linked to a series of bombings in Mumbai in 1993 he has received little attention in the Western media, even though she has seriously derailed her career.

In the New Biography Sanju Rajkumar Hirani, Indian director, presents on the big screen the circus of a Dutt's life, anchoring it in this long-running criminal case.

Anlyka Sharma, Bollywood reader Sonam Kapoor demonstrates her superlative screen presence in important roles as a biographer of Dutt and her young love, respectively. Dutt's close friend, played by Vicky Kushal, has his moments, but is more woody and artificial than the other two.

But at its base, Sanju a film that explores the deep connection between an impulsive and imperfect son and his buttoned, clean father.

Ranbir Kapoor captures Dutt's physicality and manners well, while veteran actor Paresh Rawal coldly plays his famous father, actor and politician Sunil Dutt, who accompanies him through extremely difficult moments.

Kapoor is an exceptional and versatile actor, expressing the desperation that Dutt must have felt in battling drug addiction. as well as during his 23-year legal trial. Kapoor captures both Dutt's stoicism.

And Kapoor manages to convincingly cover nearly four decades of Dutt's life with the help of a world-clbad makeup art.

Watch the trailer of Sanju .

But on the occasion, the frantic pace Sanju still derives in a more rustic spirit to entertain the Indians than in exploring the complexities of Dutt's character.

In this movie, Kapoor's Sanjay Dutt has so many hairstyles and so many ups and downs with his weight that he diverts the attention from the story.

Dutt's professional career, which goes from box office blockbusters to devastating chess, was essentially masked in exchange for settling accounts with Indian media.

In real life, Dutt has never hidden his flaws, unlike some of his famous peers in Bollywood. He lives extensively, has suffered financial setbacks and has, at times, struggled with alcohol.

In the end, Dutt may be a topic too important for any director to depict in all his manifestations. But it is difficult not to feel sympathy for the man after watching Sanju .

The real Sanjay Dutt says Times Now in 2008, he's not a terrorist.

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