Scientists spot "ghost particles" trapped in a giant ice cube



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Outer space, as mysterious and poorly studied as it appears, has presumably revealed a secret that could make possible the search for energy foci away from one According to an article in the journal Science, an international team of researchers captured a ghostly subatomic particle on Earth, "locked up" in a gigantic cube of ice at the pole South – a discovery that could be

astronomer Greg Sivakoff of the University of Alberta, Canada, noted, as quoted by The Canadian Press, that drawing a single cosmic neutrino in a Black hole to four billion years empower scientists significantly, celebrating a whole new way to discover the oldest secrets of the universe. He added that developing a sixth sense is a similar experience.

The black hole in question is at the center of a completely different galaxy, a blazar, and proving with certainty that the hole is the source of the neutrino is "a triumph". Professor Paul O'Brien, a member of the international team of astronomers from the University of Leicester, said: "Astronomers have first set up their giant neutrino trap, called "IceCube", seven years ago around a mbadive ice cube sank deep under the South Pole

Then, on September 22, researchers were able to detect the presence of 39, a neutrino in the icy trap of "IceCube." The "ghost particles" arrive mostly by the millions, but until recently, it was difficult to track and capture the elusive neutrinos given the amazing speed at which they move and incredible ease with which they cross the matter.

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A total of 81 flashes were recorded through the IceCube before the source be drawn, a telescope orbiting the Earth. neutrino. According to the researchers, however, the connection between the neutrino and the blazar is not "rock-solid", but apparently highly coveted:

"It's a very enticing observation and I'm not sure about it. Hopefully it will be confirmed ", Pierre Sokolsky" If their interpretation of these observations is correct, it will be revolutionary, extraordinary, "says Eli Waxman of the Weizmann Institute of Science in Rehovot, Israel.

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