Scientists use satellites to monitor endangered cetacean populations •


A new method of surveying whale populations using satellites could be useful for studying whales threatened with extinction in remote areas.

In the face of the growing threat of human activities, pollution and climate change, it is essential to monitor whale populations, especially those in danger of extinction.

For example, the Right whale of the North Atlantic, which is believed to remain only 450, is one of the largest endangered species of whales on the planet.

Monitoring these mega-mammals is often easier said than done, as many populations often frequent inaccessible areas.

But now, researchers from University of Cambridge and the British Antarctic Survey conducted a study using high resolution satellite images to track four species of whales.

"Whales live in all oceans," said Hannah Cubaynes, lead author of the study. "Many areas are difficult to access by boat or plane, a traditional way of monitoring whales. The ability to track whales without traveling to these remote and inaccessible areas in a cost-effective manner will be of great benefit to whale conservation efforts. "

The study was published in the journal Marine mammal science, and the research has already identified ten populations of inaccessible whales that could benefit from satellite monitoring.

The researchers used images of Maxar Technologies'DigitalGlobe's WorldView-3 satellite to target known areas where some species of whales are concentrated.

The researchers badyzed seven ocean-going high-sea imagery covering a total area of ​​5,000 square kilometers.

Southern right whales were observed by satellite off Argentine coasts, humpback whales were surveyed near Hawaii, fin whales in the Mediterranean and gray whales were recorded off the coast of Mexico.

"This is the most detailed imagery of whales captured by the satellites so far," Cubaynes said. "It's interesting that the improved resolution (now 30 cm) reveals features, such as fins and flukes, visible in the images for the first time."

Some whale species were easier to identify than others because gray whales and gray whales had a distinct color that contrasted with the color of their environment. Humpback whales, on the other hand, melt more and are also more agile in the water.

"This new technology could change the game by helping us find whales remotely," said Jennifer Jackson, co-author of the study. "Critically endangered whale populations, such as the Chile-Peru right whale (which would spend the winter in Patagonia), could really benefit from this approach."

By Kay Vandette, Editor

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