We've seen big sales this season, ranging from the summer sale Steam to the PlayStation Mid-Year sale. Now, Xbox owners can have fun, because the Ultimate Game Sale is online on the Microsoft Store. From here on July 30, more than 700 games and accessories Xbox One and Xbox 360 are on sale up to 65% off. And if you're an Xbox Live Gold member, you get 10% off some titles. Let's dive and what types of offers are offered.
Whether you're a member or not, you can save $ 20 on a 12-month subscription to Xbox Live Gold, which will bring the online service back to $ 40 / £ 26.50. In addition to allowing you to play online, the subscription also offers you free games each month, making it one of the best deals for Xbox One and Xbox 360 owners.
Xbox Game Pbad also goes on sale right now. For $ 10 / £ 8, you can get a three-month subscription that allows you to download and play a selection of over a hundred games on your Xbox One, including the proprietary games the very day of their exit. Provided "src =" https://static.gamespot.com/uploads/original/1165/11653967/3415455-xb17_dayton_ytthumbnail_v1-2.jpg "srcset =" https://static.gamespot.com/uploads/original/1165/ 11653967/3415455-xb17_dayton_ytthumbnail_v1-2.jpg 1000w, https://static.gamespot.com/uploads/scale_medium/1165/11653967/3415455-xb17_dayton_ytthumbnail_v1-2.jpg 480w "sizes =" (max-width: 1000px) 100vw, 1000px "data-width =" 1000 "/>

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As expected, many exclusive Xbox One games are reduced during the sale of Ultimate games.You can get Gears of War 4 for $ 20 / £ 17 and the exclusive PlayerUnknown Console's Battlegrounds for $ 22.50 / £ 19. The Cuphead Caricature Deck Game is on sale for $ 16 / $ 13.39, while Q uantum Break is $ 20 / £ 14.40 and ReCore is down to $ 15 / £ 11
If you're ready to die, you can pick up Dark Souls II: Scholar of the First Sin for $ 10 / £ 8 or his Dark Souls III Suite for $ 15 / £ 12.50. Middle-earth: Shadow of War has recently been the subject of a major update, and the Game of the Year edition is on sale for the amazingly low price of $ 10 / £ 12
Far Cry 5 Selling for $ 40 / £ 36 (DLC not included). You can get ready for this fall's Destiny 2: Forsaken outing by grabbing Destiny 2 and the Expansion Pbad for $ 20 / £ 16.50.
All of these games and hundreds of others are on sale right now. We have more highlights below, or you can jump on the Microsoft Store for the full list.
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