Seth Rogen Will Be the New Voice of Vancouver's Public Transit System


Actor Seth Rogen will make the public transit system heard in Vancouver, BC, after Morgan Freeman withdrew as a result of badual harbadment allegations

"Wanted do you know what would make public transit even more impressive? – Seth Rogen! That's right, the Vancouver-born actor, comedian, screenwriter, producer and director donated his time and love to Metro Vancouver and TransLink in the form of public announcements about our system !, "Wrote TransLink on YouTube, alongside a" In the coming weeks and in the fall, the voice (and laughter) characteristic of Seth Rogen can be heard on SkyTrain platforms, SkyTrains and buses across the region.Seth will look at the etiquette of public transit as well as the interesting details of Vancouver and its relationship with him. "

In the video released Thursday, Rogen, who is Canadian, says that he "grew up taking public transit all his life.I always use public transit when I'm in town."

"Where the occasion is Is presented to be a voice of public transport, I was delighted, "he continued." I'm looking for honestly, ways to participate in Canadian culture and highlight Canada. "

In a statement, Steve Vanagas, TransLink's Vice President of Client Communications and Public Affairs, said that A Voice on Ads from public transport came from social media.

After Freeman was announced earlier this year, Stephanie Ip, a reporter for Vancouver Sun and The Province tweeted that she had received a lot of e-mails from readers asking why a Canadian did not issue transit ads in Vancouver.

"Many e-mails today went in the direction of:" What, there was not a Canadian actor who could "did you do the work? She wrote. "After thinking, I have a suggestion: @Sethrogen.I would gladly listen to announce my transit stops all day, every day but only if it comes from laughter."

Freeman s & # 39; was then withdrawn after a CNN investigation revealed that he was facing a series of badual harbadment charges.

Rogen responded to the tweet and contacted TransLink to discuss and finalize the idea. TransLink made this announcement Thursday, just over two months after the Ip tweet.

Vanagas said the company had chosen Rogen because they "were looking to offer a better customer experience and to share the pride of the region." The voice will be broadcast on TransLink systems throughout the city in the coming weeks


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