Seth Rollins explains how the announcement of Roman Reigns on leukemia was felt behind the scenes


Roman Reigns announced that he was suffering from leukemia and that he returned after 11 years of remission. He dropped the WWE title and provoked a frenzy among fans and the media. It was also incredibly difficult to go behind the scenes of the WWE because he was legitimately responsible for the locker room.

Rollins spoke to Al Arabiya English where he presented his views on the current situation since his brother Shield had to take leave necessary to defeat leukemia again.

"He threw everything in the air. It is difficult to spend a day without thinking of him and his way of doing things and hope he is well. I fight the urge to watch him like a brother every two hours, but he's a strong guy, and I know he's well placed mentally and physically. "

"He is in good health for the most part. I think he'll be able to fight hard enough against this thing. We are crossing it as long as we can. Obviously, it will be easier with time, but the last two weeks have been, and last week in particular, have been rich in emotions. Many ups and downs. "

Roman will beat leukemia again and he will be back, Only time will tell how long will it take if. But until his return, the locker room at WWE will have to continue without The Big Dog. Hopefully, as Seth said, it will get easier, but for the moment, it's very easy to see how the announcement made by Roman is still affecting alignment, because it's certainly something else of the WWE Universe is also processing.

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