Shadow Of The Tomb Raider DLC Forge Trailer Shows Off New Co-op And Score Attack Modes


During Microsoft's XO18 livestream, the developers behind Shadow of the Tomb Raider revealed more DLC for the game. In The Forge, the game will be able to take a number of new challenges and tombs. In the new trailer, we will see you in the new adventure, which will take you to the complex smithing temple hidden in the dense jungles.

In The Forge, Lara and her ally will uncover a new grave in South America, housing a new threat that will put the world at risk yet again. Like other DLCs from previous Tomb Raider games, these updates add new areas to explore, and along with new enemies and weapons to find. What's interesting about The Forge, however, is that it will add co-op play, with many of the puzzles and tombs. Along with story content, there's also the inclusion of the Score Attack mode, which will allow players to compete with each other by traversing the environment and gaining a higher score over their opponent.

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As the first post-launch DLC for Shadow of the Tomb Raider, The Forge will be one of several new expansions coming to the game. Though you can play the whole thing with a friend, you can still play solo as well. With a new schedule, the season will be in progress and will be introduced in the game. The Forge is set to launch on November 13, this new expansion will add even more tombs and secrets to uncover.

There's much more to see from XO18. In addition to the reveal of Crackdown 3's multiplayer mode, the new IP Void Masters, there are several new games revealed for Xbox One's Game Pbad – including PUBG, Hellblade, and Agents of Mayhem.

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