Shaw doubles the speed of the internet for free with the new 300-600 Mbps plans


Shaw announced this morning that it "was offering the gift of speed this holiday season" as its major Internet packages will now double the speed, at no additional cost, for new and existing residential customers.

Here's what automatically changes in the "next few weeks" for its fiber optic network:

  • Internet 150: new download speeds up to 300 Mbps
  • Internet 300: new download speeds up to 600 Mbps

"It's not a promotion or a unique offer. This is an unprecedented upgrade to our best Internet packages, giving customers even faster speeds to help them use more powerful home technology and lead a more connected life, "said Brad Shaw. President and Chief Executive Officer of Shaw Communications, in a press release iPhone in Canada.

According to Shaw, these improved download speeds are up to "4x faster than other competing packages widely available in Western Canada."

"We strive to give more value to our customers and we know that faster download speeds are essential. We are doubling the speed of our fastest offers. No stuff, no gadgets, just more speed. It's so simple, "added Shaw.

The company says that 1.4 million kilometers of fiber have already been installed for its network in Western Canada.

"The strength of our extensive network, coupled with industry-leading DOCSIS 3.1 technology, allows us today to offer our fastest speeds to virtually all of our customers without having to dig holes in their streets, break their sidewalks or tear their lawns. And because we do not charge for excess data, our customers also have peace of mind knowing that they can use our network as many times as they want, without penalty, "explained Shaw.

The last comment seems to be a find from his rival Telus, which expands its PureFibre network and also charges for excess data.

As for why download speeds remain the same, the Shaw FAQ says, "Our download speeds are designed to meet the needs of the vast majority of our customers. The current download speeds for these levels are more than sufficient for the average user. "

When will these new speeds come into effect? Shaw says this will happen in the coming weeks, but existing customers can also get upgrades faster by "turning off their modem as of Monday, December 3".

UpdateFollow these steps to restart a Shaw modem or router, depending on the company:

  1. Unplug the power of your Shaw Modem, leaving all other connections secure
  2. Unplug the power of your router and wait at least 30 seconds
  3. Reconnect the power in your Shaw Modem only
  4. Wait for the Shaw modem to come back online, as indicated by a fixed line light (this may take a few minutes depending on the Shaw modem model you have).
  5. Reconnect the power in your router
  6. Restart your computer and test your internet connection

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