Nanaimo's federal representative, Sheila Malcolmson, resigns to win the position of NDP MP for Leonard Krog, who will be sworn in as the new mayor of the city next month.
This is a major election in British Columbia. because of the razor-sharp mine owned by the ruling NDP, backed by British Columbia. Green Party.
Malcolmson announced his decision Wednesday in Nanaimo with Prime Minister John Horgan, who said, "I'm excited to have such a strong candidate for the NDP nomination."
Malcolmson will resign from his federal seat to head to the provincial level. "So that's all for me." She still has to be named NDP candidate for the riding.
"I am inspired by the ability to implement results on the ground for the people of Nanaimo, both in terms of protecting the environment and coastal areas, and the affordable housing crisis we are facing. are confronted. It was the big draw that was made to accept the Prime Minister's invitation, "she said. "These are crises that can not wait a year for the next federal election."
The Nanaimo Tent City has made visible the crisis of homelessness and affordable housing, she said.
Horgan approached Malcolmson in early July, she said.
"I was excited to participate in the upcoming federal election campaign with [federal leader] Jagmeet Singh.
Singh said in a tweet: "Sheila has worked so hard to get results for people on issues such as housing and protecting our coast – I wish her every success in pursuing this amazing job."
The date of the provincial by-elections was not announced, although Horgan said it would be before the debate on the February budget.
It is also unclear when Krog, who is on leave without pay, will resign from his seat.
Meanwhile, Malcolmson said, "I expect that I will be a full member of Parliament until the House of Commons rises at Christmas."
Given that a federal election is scheduled for October 2019, she does not expect a by-election to be called for her seat.
She hopes that the Office of the Federal President will badume constituency duties after her resignation.
Malcolmson is the NDP's federal critic for women's equality. She has represented Nanaimo-Ladysmith since 2015, having served four terms in the local government. She has served on the Board of the Islands Trust, where she became full-time president in 2008.
Prior to being elected, Mr. Malcolmson earned a Bachelor of Environmental Studies and Resources from Trent University in Peterborough, Ontario.
She worked in the field conducting regulatory reviews of energy utilities. Malcolmson was also Operations Manager for a B.C. Sea Kayaking and Cycling Company on Gabriola Island in the 1990s and founded a small business management company.
Malcolmson hopes to continue his efforts to preserve and clean the coast of British Columbia. The resident of Gabriola Island urged the federal government to take action against abandoned ships that lay on the coast and objected to the extension of the Trans Mountain Pipeline.
Krog's seat is in play after winning the mayoral race in Saturday's municipal elections. He said Malcolmson is dedicated, committed and hardworking.
With 41 seats, the NDP government is supported by British Columbia. Green Party, which has three seats. B.C. Liberals have 42 seats. An independent MP is the speaker.
BEFORE CHRIST. Green Party leader Andrew Weaver said his party would nominate a candidate for Nanaimo.
BEFORE CHRIST. Liberal Leader Andrew Wilkinson said he foresaw an "energetic election campaign". Malcolmson's candidacy shows that the NDP "takes Nanaimo for granted – putting local taxpayers at the mercy of two or three by-elections costing over a million dollars," he said.
"In the upcoming by-election, Nanaimo residents have the opportunity to elect a member of Parliament who will be a real advocate for the needs and priorities of the community."
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