SkyBox Labs participates in the development of Halo Infinite


At E3 2018, Microsoft surprised the players by announcing Halo Infinite, the next major game of the legendary Halo franchise. The trailer teases an open world environment filled with exotic wildlife and breathtaking exotic structures. The project seems quite broad in scope, and it seems that 343 Industries is collecting help. According to a report from WCCFtech, the studio is badociated with developer SkyBox Labs. Skybox has already contributed to titles like Age of Empires II HD, Halo 5 and UFC

The report states that SkyBox will contribute to Halo Infinite's gameplay, visuals, networking and more. Asked about the collaboration with the developer, Chris Lee, director of Halo, said: "343 Industries is excited to continue its partnership with SkyBox Labs on Halo Infinite, and its team is doing a good job in many areas of our project."

Shyang Kong also expressed his enthusiasm for the team stating, "We have been working closely with 343 Industries on Halo projects for several years, and we are excited to be part of this exciting period in the future. Halo Story. "[19659004] Halo Infinite will be centered around the Master Chief and continues the current scenario. Cortana is still the bad guy and Master Chief must save humanity from his convoluted plans. This time, they involve a Halo ring.

The project seems to be in a radically new direction, so it will take time to design this experience. Hopefully 343 Industries will be inspired by The Legend of Zelda: The Breath of Nature in terms of environmental interactivity. The setting seems to be the star of the show in the trailer. We will keep you informed as soon as we know more. Until then, be sure to see the magnificent graphics and clbadic armor of Master Chief.

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