Madison Erhardt
This is a perfect time for the National 7-Eleven Day as the heat has intensified across the Okanagan.
Slurpee fans flock to convenience stores for their free slurpee from 11:00 am to 7:00 pm. in celebration of the 91st anniversary of the store.
It could not be better because Okanagan had a heat wave that would last several weeks.
"You have good weather for slurpees, it's safe, but this weather is blocked for most of the month of July, perhaps until the month of August" said the meteorologist Armel Castellan.
Castellan adds that although the average temperatures above are excellent for tourism, this poses a serious risk of wildfire.
"There is definitely a risk of forest fire that is only going to increase because every day continues We have dried up the normal June and even the wet start of the year in July, the regions becoming relatively dry. "

Photo: Bob Lalonde
Buzz Growing about the UBC Okanagan Pollinator Picnic 19659002] The Kelowna Ambbadadors Program has convinced over 350 residents and planting bee gardens
"These astonishing citizens, gardeners, and bee-goers pave the way for the preservation of pollinator habitats and the conservation of our essential insects," says Nancy Holmes, professor UBC
Holmes is part of the Border Free Bees research project between the University of British Columbia and the University of Art and Design Emily Carr. Its goal is to raise awareness the public at the pollinisa situation wilders, to encourage communities to find solutions for habitat loss and to transform underutilized urban sites into pollinator pastures.
The picnic pollinators take place Saturday from 11h to 13h30. at Brist's Grist Mill Park. There will be music, art activities and games. Participants can also purchase a package of bee seeds for planting this fall.

Photo: Heather Casorso
There are approximately 3,300 "missing" dogs in central Okanagan, dogs that have been licensed in 2017, but are not. for 2018.
The owners of these "missing" dogs are contacted to update the dog license register.
The regional district may charge a fine of $ 300 to unauthorized dog owners, but if fees are paid within 14 days, it is reduced to $ 150.
"We will contact the 3,282 owners to determine the status of the dog so that we can update our records," said Bruce Smith spokesperson
. We found that about half of the owners no longer have their dog – he may have died or they left the area and did not inform the regional district. Others still have their dogs and have forgotten to renew their license. This affects all taxpayers because licensing fees have increasingly contributed to dog control services in central Okanagan, "Smith said.
"About 25 p. 100 of the dogs entering the pound are not licensed. "Before encouraging and supporting responsible dog ownership in central Okanagan, this figure was 75 percent. click here
Contributed to the publication –
July 11, 2018/5 pm | story:
Castanet Evening for Wednesday, July 11 with Wayne Moore

Photo: Wayne Moore
This is a historic day for the city of Kelowna.
After signing an agreement to merge SEKID and SOMID water services with the City of Kelowna, a two-year construction project to integrate the systems was officially broken Wednesday.
Amarjeet Sohi, Federal Minister of Infrastructure and Communities MP Stephen Fuhr, Kelowna MLA Steve Thomson, and Mayor Colin Basran were present for the official launch of the project
which is the # 39, one of the largest infrastructure projects ever undertaken by the city
. The fact that we have received the grant amounts we have received from the provincial and federal governments shows that they believe in this strategy, a "They want all residents of our community to receive clean drinking water and healthy, "said Basran.
The integration of the five irrigation districts of the city is one of the priorities of this council since taking office in 2014. [19659002HowSEKIDandSOMIDarejoinedtothoseremainingthreedistrictsBlackMountainRutlandandGlenmore-Ellisonnel'haven`tmade
Basran says that an invitation has been addressed to BMID.
The mayor reiterated the integration to the scale of the city would take time and more money to achieve. But he believes that another $ 12 million provincial grant for the next step highlights the government's desire to advance integration
Basran says that it is not a question or if, but when a long-term strategy will be implemented.
Madison Erhardt
Actor Nicolas Cage was spotted in Kelowna on Wednesday morning, filming this time inside BNA Brewing Company on Ellis Street .
Cage was seen leaving the BNA just before 10 am while he was entering a black SUV
Most of the shooting was done inside the bistro.
The crews remain settled along with Ellis and will be there for most of the day.
Alex Baker, a Wentworth Music employee, had an argument with the star early last week.
"He went into the store and snuck on me, I was just the opposite of my business, and suddenly Nic Cage was there in front of me," he said. Barker.
Cage leaves the store with a digital piano.
"I've seen almost all his films, I'm a big fan and I'll remember them for the rest of my life," Baker added.
If you spot the star, send us your photos to [email protected].

Photo: Alanna Kelly
An organization has come forward to help a family in Kelowna after a terminally ill man has been stuck in his wheelchair without medication for more than four hours while A taxi did not show up
. In Motion, an organization in Kelowna, says that she has an accessible van loan program that can prevent such problems.
Donna Choboter said she was calling Kelowna Cabs at 11 am on June 23 to take a cab and bring her husband, Brian, back to Cottonwoods Care Center.
Brian had recently become a paraplegic and had not been able to return home in six months.
The wheelchair accessible vehicle was to pick him up and drive him to Cottonwoods at 8:30 pm, but he never showed up.
The family eventually ended up calling an ambulance, and he returned to Cottonwoods around midnight.
Louise Abbott, executive director of People in Motion, says she never wants to read another story like this.
"I thought it was OK, it's ridiculous. We do not need this to happen here, I'll let him know what we're doing, "Abbott said." It's heartbreaking. "
Family members or individuals can join by buying a membership for $ 10 and then borrow the vehicle for a day or two.
"If you are a member of the company, we can lend the van to a family member took them to an appointment or on a special occasion, "she said.
Donna said that support has been overwhelming and she hopes that no other family will have to live what happened to them
. The Castanet reader even offered to pay a few dollars for his ambulance bill
Kelowna Cabs investigated the incident and said that it was a bad thing communication
For more information on the Accessible Vehicle Loan Program and People in Motion, visit

Photo: Kirk Penton
The Vice and Virtue Brewing Company opens its doors to the public this afternoon
The new Kelowna business opens at 3:00 pm. on Richter Street, had its genesis in the garage of Matt Jewell.
"The first thing we bought as a company was a whiteboard," Jewell said this week. We made darts, drank beer and drew things on the whiteboard.
Jewell, Matt Wentzell and Carey Schell, friends who belong to the Vice and Virtue ownership group. The only thing they have in common is their love for craft beer, and they believe that something special is being prepared in Kelowna.
Vice and Virtue join breweries such as BNA, Tree, Red Bird and Kettle River.
"There are incredible wineries and extraordinary winemakers in this valley," Jewell said in his Australian accent. "We think the same thing is happening now with brewing."
Federal Government invests more than $ 11 million in Canada's wine sector
Stephen Fuhr, Member of Parliament for Kelowna-Lake Country, speaking to the Canadian Wine Council

. The annual general meeting of the Vintners Association reaffirmed its support for the wine and grape sector through three key investments.
million. Fuhr said that up to $ 8.4 million would go to the Canadian Vine Certification Network. It's the first time that wine and grape-producing organizations from across the country have come together to create a national research group dedicated to promoting the industry.
An additional $ 3.7 million will help producers better protect their crops.
million. Fuhr has indicated that an additional $ 1.5 million over three years at the Canadian Vintner & # 39; s Association will contribute to the promotion through trade shows, missions and promotion of Canadian wine in the markets, such as the United States, United Kingdom and China
The MP also commended the stroke for completing a $ 1.5 million project to enhance Canada's international reputation as a wine producer fresh climate through market development and commercial advocacy. first announced by the Minister of Agriculture and Agri-Food, Lawrence MacAulay, July 4, in Niagara on the Lake, Ontario
"Its funding will contribute to sustainable growth in the wine and grape industry in British Columbia and bring economic stability to wine growers and producers, "said Fuhr
generating $ 1.2 billion in revenue and employing more than 5 600. Wine exports totaled $ 133.6 million in 2016.
The Canadian Agricultural Partnership is a five-year, $ 3-billion federal-provincial-territorial investment to strengthen the agriculture and agri-food sector.

Photo: Ron Vaselenak
Kelowna's grandfather searches for the custom guitar he built for his deceased son
A grandfather of Kelowna seeks to reunite a family heirloom with his son's eight years. grandson.
A little over a year ago, on June 24, 2017, Ron Vaselenak 's son, Graham, died of an overdose of fentanyl, just five days after his 30th birthday. Vaselenak stated that Graham had been using cocaine for several years
"It was just a mistake that he made.Before his death, we went to support groups, thinking about what we could do, "said Vaselenak. "The day we had the phone call, the dreaded phone call was all."
A few years ago, Vaselenak spent six months making two custom guitars from scratch for his two sons. The unique tele-hybrid electric guitars were engraved in the head of the doll, with a logo that indicates Hybrid Custom Guitars .
"I'm on a retirement plan, so I could not always go out and spend loads of money on them, just a little bit at a time," he said, adding that 39, was the first time that he was making a guitar.
Several months before Graham's death, Vaselenak had noticed that the guitar was for sale.
"I noticed that it was a good thing. was online, so I thought, "What's going on here?" "
Graham turned 30 on June 19, 2017, and died of an overdose five days later. , leaving behind three young children
. I do not think he knows who he is buying from, and who knows where all this comes from? Vaselenak says. "Someone takes it with fentanyl, well that's just the bet you take."
A year after Graham's death, Vaselenak posted an ad on Castanet in the newspaper. hoping to find the custom guitar. He hopes to give it to Graham's eldest son, Graham Jr., who is eight years old.
Vaselenak says that he intends to make new guitars for the other two Graham children once he finds the missing one.
For several weeks, but from Tuesday, he received no track.
Vaselenak hopes that someone who knows where the guitar is will email him to [email protected].
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